Tony Macaroni

Isn't Daniel Radcliffe in that?

Italian disco-prog space rock is my favorite musical subgenre ever.

Yeah, none of these musicians could compare to Elvis, who in his post-army career made basically the same bad movie two-to-three times a year for eight straight years… Elvis in Hawaii, Elvis as race car driver, Elvis as a water ski instructor, etc…

In the 60s the left wanted to KICK OUT THE JAMS, MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

Just put everything in the freezer, that's always a safe place!

Remember that episode where MacGuffin made an airplane out of bamboo, duct tape, trash bags, and a cement mixer engine!

So more like Yoko No-no?

It's made tableside, we only use the best anchovies!

He's retired, he had a great underrated career, lot's of knockouts, but now he's doing tremendous things, he's got a terrific community center for the kids over there in Queens.

Ten bucks says he thinks Frederick Douglass was a boxer…

See, now that's good advice right there. Did Julia Child tell you how to shave points on a basketball game?

On the other hand, Henry Hill's cookbook wasn't that bad…

Right, Star Trek had plenty of stuff in that franchise that was hit or miss for over twenty years at that point. The original Star Wars Trilogy was basically canonized for my generation of kids growing up—and everyone forgot about or never knew about all the cheap spin-off crap like the Holliday Special or Ewok

Attack of the Clones has some cool visual moments, but then it goes into full-on turd status in so many other ways…like every-time Anakin has to try to express emotions.

From what I remember people I knew were so excited for a new Star Wars film after 16 years that we initially focused on the few cool things in the film(Darth Maul) and the fact that we hoped it was setting up the next two films(that would hopefully be better)—until it sunk in that we had to admit that it was just a

And then years later they end up mugging for a mugshot.

When I first saw the original trilogy as a kid, I was impressed, but I really wanted them to have some trade negotiations.

Now I just want to see all Robert Duvall's old roles remade with Michael Shannon.

He's a true paisano, the stugots on that kid!

It's funny that the only real Cuban actor in the film was named Steven Bauer.