Tony Bologna

@Serolf Divad: didn't this happen precisely because of the inherent impotence of just about any federal oversight mechanism? And if not impotent, filled with enough holes as to be rendered impotent by those committed to skirting the rules.

I wanted to get upset, but I think he's a lot more right than he is wrong. So... FALSE OUTRAGE ANYWAY RAR!

@Terry: Yes, you nailed me — my claim of 2 st. devs. WASN'T, in fact, based on a scientifically rigorous assessment of the tech competency of Lifehacker readers compared to the general Internet audience. It was, in fact, merely an opinion based on my personal experience. I would like to formally apologize for the

@Terry: Almost everyone here is at least 2 st. devs. away from average internets user.

@rebanehv: you need a point by point breakdown to have it explained? ;)

@orthorim: I'm pretty sure he made a 20/month vs. 60/month case just fine.

I want all my CEOs to just say crazy-ass smack talk. Way better.

@countjackula: I think I will "insert" a "comment" from "a guy" who makes a comment that completely misses that the humor of the thread is entirely contingent on following the original emergent theme.

@Sturm: you are paving the way for a new wave of awesome "old guy-ness"

@Trez: patent that, stat.

@crazypills77: I am sorry for your crippling lack of shopping savvy. ;-)

"Boba Fett armor-matching sneakers might be an idea more awesome in my mind than on my feet"

"Also, he's been writing the same comic for years and years now."

@Palmerlime: I like you and would pay for your newsletter.

@tlewallen: I do appreciate you allocating your time toward sharing with us how you wouldn't allocate your time on crap like this.

@Belabras: and we will never speak of this again