Tony Bologna

@pz: To be ultra fair, maybe she was just simulating the experience of driving her stick shift as a mind experiment, and tweeting the experience as well.

I glanced at this dude's portfolio. Looks like he generally designs "extremely possible" things.

@yah5: you're confusing "first to market" with "innovate". Apple IS one of the better companies to take innovations (often not theirs) and successfully introduce them to the wider marketplace. This is actually an astounding feat, and few firms can consistently do this, but it still does not make what they do

@Seventhexile Speaks: so when you said "The problem is you guys seem to be under the impression we had 'privacy' to begin with. " you didn't actually mean that? You agree with me?

Presuming you're willing to look at these results while tempering for the obvious self-selection bias, recognition this is people PRESENTING themselves (which could be much different from 'who they are'), etc.... pretty fascinating.

@Turkieshooter: Well, it gives us something to gripe about in the gizmodo blog post 'audience feedback' posts... so its got that goin for us :)

@Seventhexile Speaks: how about this... you prove to me that privacy in 1940 was exactly as 'not there' as it is in 2010, and I'll be the first one to sign up for your newsletter.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Thank you. A nice illustration of the point, even simpler than the one I often used to use.


@michael: My favorite part about that site, easily:

@applesanity: You're right... all bad moments people have are equivalent to a bail-out excuse when caught as a pedophile/murderer/rapist/animal cruelty aficionado, etc. You got me.

@evanminn01: If you gave me 100 hours of your life, and you let me go to town on parsing together sentences... I like my odds. :)

@applesanity: ridiculous. we're all subject to whimsy, spontaneity, being 'caught in the moment' ... making decisions that are inconsistent with 'the kind of people' we are on an enduring basis. well, maybe you aren't, but every person I have ever known in any sincere way... well, I have also known them to have a

@lightninglouie: I would like to be added to your e-card mailing list, please.

@Greg Edwards: Yeah, LucasFilm! For-profit enterprises should be allowed to use any of your creative assets in any way they damn well please!