Tony Bologna

@Spartanical: I think they 'used fractals' to make it, it itself maybe not being a fractal per se?

@pauljones: I think your rant is based more on your misunderstanding of just how much useful crap can be packed into those new 'barcodes' especially with a nice software interface to improve the usefulness of the data. You had a little collateral damage on poor Mr. Barcode as you went hulk-smash on technophile life.

@dharmaserf002: Did I read this right — who wholly reject the article, after reading only the first para? And you claim 'problematic methodology' based on 'stable gender norms.'

@fuchikoma: can I get in on that bajillion-core processor you got over there?*

@Hana Maru: Chomsky thought so. But what the hell did that guy ever do?

@TheFu: thank you for token "here's my equally-priced but better-speced non-apple machine" post. until you posted this, most Gizmodo readers were completely unaware that on a raw spec basis you can get a PC cheaper than a Mac. bless you sir, bless you.

@aprilreign: [citation needed] ;-)... but I think you missed my point.

I have a thought. Let's presume you're qualified for a job. But you're not EXCEPTIONALLY qualified relative to other people searching for the job. You're just there. somewhere in the pack.

@RickS: I want my Ubuntu to look like Windows. Heterogeneity in consumer preference.

@Waywocket: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you already know many other people have time to see the movies in summer, but you've picked your 'obstinate internet guy' thing of the day? Do we really need to have a drawn-out conversation to satisfy you that yes, indeed, other people do have free time in the

@rdldr1: ah, so that's where this movie went from realistic to fake? I thought it may have been back at Giant Piranha Leaping Dozens of Feet in the Air Turnpike.

@Arken: yes, we need more horror movies that reward teens for being sexual, dangnabbit! 69 your way to freedom from the warlock!

@jay13x: wikileaks votes democrat? or republican? what? I think your argument is activating some serious collateral damage ;)

@travtastic: I don't think you noticed that quote was from WINSTON CHURCHILL. Obviously its automatically correct.

@jay13x: "Wikileaks is incredibly irresponsible" relative to what? Help me understand where you think WikiLeaks falls relative to, say... the Pentagon?