
Yo Wookiepesia, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but Transformers has one of the best wikis of all time. One of the best wikis of all time!

I miss Charlie Jane Anders’ Doctor Who recaps.

The gist of this review seems to be that you have no patience, James. That you’ve enjoyed the one-off stories this season so far, but now that Moffat has given you an episode that sets up a longer arc, you didn’t enjoy it - so much so, that you’re back to looking forward to Moffat leaving the show.

Wow, nice way to simplify the very detailed message of the book and series in a single clickbaity headline. If, after reading the book or seeing the series, all you get out of it is “men are monsters,” I suggest you read it again.

... everything you wanted, except good artwork, apparently.

Then Beth immediately runs a story about how Katharine is appropriating blue skin culture.

I get the criticism of Strong for sure. I had to warm up to her take a bit, but it also seemed like she was very much going for a believable match to Sorkin. Its close, just different enough to be new, but otherwise pretty consistent with Sorkin’s take. Rauch is just... generic, slightly enthusiastic indefinably

Yay! No Tara Strong! That’s reason enough to buy this. Honestly, I’d rather them cast Harvey Fierstein as Harley before they brought Strong back.

But did they <burp> make the pirates super rapey?

It’s been known to happen. :)

I actually had been done before. The reason they needed to test it was because Cloud City’s chamber was “ghetto-rigged” together and Vader wanted Luke to be frozen, but used Han as the tester to make sure that Luke wouldn’t die.

That’s certainly not canon. Nothing like that was said in ESB.

Maybe it’ll become an X-Men style franchise where the movies have little to no real connection with each other and you can just enjoy the good ones?

i came here only to see how long it would take Katharine Trendacosta to put up an article whining about a DC movie after Suicide Squad’s deserved win for that category. didn’t take long.

Katherine, just get it over with and post the damn book review already.

I wasn’t sure about this but since io9 trashes it, now I’m tempted to give it a try.

As a film, it should have been shown as the special edition version period. The SFX were nice. I won’t defend the Theatrical release, but the special edition was pretty solid if not everyone’s cuppa.

So far the Megazord is the only thing I haven’t been able to get behind (a bit ‘uuuh’ about them having super powers outside of being morphed, too). I f’n loved Power Rangers as a kid, and even as an adult I’ve collected a majority of the Legacy toys, I’m mulling over a Green Ranger based tattoo, and I’ve performed

The color grading is a big part of it but even when you fix that, the general style of Marvel’s films is extremely workmanlike and unremarkable. If you compare it to what Bill Pope did with the Spiderman films, or what Eduardo Serra did with Unbreakable, or what Larry Fong did with Watchmen and Batman/Superman, the