Thomas Donohue

Well, that’s too bad. But, at 105, I expect he had seen and done more than any of us. RIP.

$8500 doesn’t seem bad for a (probably) famous low-mile Z32.

Philadelphia fans can attest to the fact that Eagles can take your Spirit away.

Except Yuppies had jobs.

One of the most unappealing photos ever posted on Jalopnik.

The only reason a rich Porche driver can get gas in every little town across America is because Henry Ford started making cars for the commoner. There is a certain self interest in wanting your cars tech to be mass market.

I thought Tavarish lived on the East coast? Is this his Idea of a ‘cabin up nort’?

No one billing $125/hr is spending $134,500 on a car. I would think the billing rate should be in the $750-1000/hr range, hence $50-70/year in savings.

P90/P100 owners who think that way are going to buy a Mission E when the Model 3 comes out.

I prefer the table grind myself.

Is that a Ford Aerostar in the last picture? Could this guy be the “$300 Ford Aerostars for sale” twiiter guy?

AHHH! I totally forget that the driveway is a recent edition!

Ha!! I live around the corner from this guy!!!

What’s the over-under on whether your new Univision overlords ban these home videos? Just give us a nice photo essay and spare us the rest.

Glad to see you guys brought out the 2004-era Flipcam again to maintain the production values we’ve all come to expect from these remotes. Well done.

Neutral: What Car Events Are You Doing This Weekend?

This is excellent kinja.

Also the Z32 came out for the ‘90 model year, and the Corvette at that time made 245HP.

If it were really about the rules of grammar, the first, third, and fourth appearance of “God” in your post would have been in quotes because you’re referring to the word “God,” not God himself.

I’ll venture a guess that the cards are changed out for each event (or round, perhaps) to aid the people archiving video for storage and future use. A different card on the side of the platform would do this in a subtle, non-textual way.