Thomas Donohue

If you would only watch the video, the wings crack and fall off at 1:25.

How about if Honda offered the engines free to Manor or Sauber or fielded their own team again? Maybe that would work.

And crash. Don’t forget crash!

I'm pretty sure he was driving on wrong side of the road...

He got to go to the white house? And he didn’t even have to build a clock, or do anything cool!

the gopro camera makes it look much farther away. these guys were extremely close to one another.

If this was in Canada there would be the customary set of “Sorry’s” and then a Tim Hortons coffee for 5 minute discussion about the crash followed by a 2 hour discussion about hockey.

Why does he have a camera on his head? I mean good for him, cause that kept the facts straight, but are there really that many people that leave the house with a camera on their head?

It was a 99 Toyota Yaris. He was lucky it had a windshield.

definitely vertical video. The car at least has some value.

He was acting childish, no? Read the caption.

Aw, you whiffed on this one, you should have picked the one with the altered track markings. God was that funny.

I just want to see inside the cockpit

That’s good and you got your wish. The guy did not seem to be driving anyways. He was too busy watching a Harry Potter movie.

It really is pretty good.

The German version of a second gen MR2 from the rear quarter panel view.

It’s a mix of competition and showcasing.

“Now, if you live out west, I know what you’re thinking: Maine is not the wilderness. Montana is the wilderness. Maine is a place where they design and manufacture lobsters.”

Yeah, but if you got the V8, you’d say “Could’ve had a manual.”

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