Tom Warp

Your situation is not uncommon. People are different, sometimes very different. In situations like you experience, I would try to adjust “how fast” I would eat the meal, so that I would finish at about the same time as the lady I was dining with would finish her meal. If I finished eating before her (or anyone else at

This is just crazy. There are so many more things in life to be upset about than someone pre-bussing your table. If this really is a problem, then DON”T go to that restaurant. It sounds like this guy just enjoys getting upset about trivial matters.

These Victorinox knives are excellent quality. I have used them for over 20 years, and just bought a new one last week. I love the ones with the Fibrox handle, as it gives you a secure grip even if the handle is wet. America’s Test Kitchen always rates the Victorinox knives as their favorite knife, because of the high

These Victorinox knives are excellent quality. I have used them for over 20 years, and just bought a new one last

Yes, it’s a great way to get more flavor from sauces, soups, stews and Chile. When making fresh Salsa, then serving the next day, I will chop up some fresh tomatoes and onions and mix them in just before serving it, to give it a “fresh Look.”

This is something that can be tested by just about everybody. If you don’t have a dark and a light colored sheet pan, you can go outside on a hot summer day wearing all black clothing and see how hot you get. Then try it again wearing all white colored clothing, and see how long it will take to get hot. Also may tests

Another helpful option is to use the thick/heavy restaurant quality sheet pans. They will spread the heat out more evenly than the typical thin grocery-store cookie sheets. Because of this, it is very difficult to burn cookies and biscuits, unless you completely forget you put it in the oven.

I heard a rumor that there are even more rumors.

What also works is to put the nuts in a colander and then shake it around. That will remove a lot of the salt you don’t want.

You can store hard-boiled eggs, out of the shell, in the Refrigerator for several days. Just put them in a container and cover them with water so they don’t dry out.

Generally, when you Spatchcock a bird, you remove the backbone and then press the bird flat so it cooks more evenly. To Butterfly a bird I just cut down one side of the breastbone, and then press the bird flat so it cooks evenly. Here is one I did on the grill, but it will turn out the same if you cook it in the oven

If you have an electric oven, the heating element may be old, or damaged and needs to be replaced.

You can't start saving too early, and you can't save too much money. So, go for the maximum you possibly can. The harder you work when you are young, and the more you save when you are young, will make your "older" years more comfortable and less stressful.

OK, you should change your name here to "Magical Unicorn Princess", or perhaps, "Sparkly Magical Unicorn Princess". This might be a good Avatar for you as well.

Thanks, I missed that link before. I looks like it could be useful to me for my Youtube channel. There are so many variables involved, that it's difficult to calculate what a persons real income would be from Youtube. But, congrats to him, if you can have lots of fun, and make money from it, then that's the way to

They are probably making about 10 Million a year from Youtube, so they probably do have money to burn.

I say pretty much the same thing to people. "Try different foods, if you don't like it, that's OK". But, I think people need to be sure of exactly what it is they don't like

Obviously that is going to become the domain name of your new website, "I want Meryl Streep to live with me". It's unlikely that she will ever live with you, but you just might get to meet her if your website gets popular enough. It should probably become your name here on Jezebel too.

It all depends on how much "tho", they eat.

If you can't find any wrapping paper that meets your needs, you can find some pictures on the Internet and print them out and then tape the sheets of paper together to wrap the gift. I did this for my nephews birthday with some NASCAR pictures I found on the Internet. Obviously this could get expensive if you try to

Youtube did ban all comments for a short while. They then changed how comments can be handled. I don't have many comments on my Youtube videos, but a few of them were just people trying inflict hate on other people, so I just deleted them from the comment section.