
We don’t have a large Polish population here, it’s mostly German and Norwegian, so how do these compare to a berliner? 

I don’t know why I don’t have one of these. Like you said, when you’re grabbing a bolt out of a big coffee can it would be nice to know if it’s actually the right thread or just close enough to ruin your day

A question for my fellow Navy vets, is this the same as, or close to, orange bug juice? Because if it is I have no idea why anyone would want it back. Red is the money flavor. 

Wintering-over at McMurdo is one of those things that sounded cool to me when I was in the Navy, but never, ever thought about actually doing. A year in Diego Garcia was bad enough and it was warm there.

He lives north of Spokane. I should add that I talked with him today and he’s experiencing some network drops. He’s not sure if that’s due to antenna location or Starlink itself but they did warn him that he could experience that until more satellites fill in the voids.

Maybe, just maybe, Russ doesn’t help things when he holds the ball so long. Part of that is the Seahawks wanting the deep pass so much, which is probably why they have a new O coordinator, but he has never been one to throw it away and go to the next play. This is why he has so many big plays but it also explains a

May I suggest that you talk to your Jalopnik colleague, Jason, about his Changli?

We do the shaved parm thing but haven’t tried the rest. Yet. I just so happen to have some left over frozen pizza in the fridge (Detroit style!) for lunch and some hot honey in the cabinet. I will definitely be giving it a try.

I’m no Elon-stan but I hope he succeeds with this (while not wiping out terrestrial astronomy).

So they didn’t argue that their client wasn’t guilty, just that the trial was a bad idea? If the outcome were truly in doubt Trump would be in trouble. Unfortunately, his lawyers could have climbed up on the dais and taken a dump and he still wouldn’t be convicted.

One of our employees lives out in a rural area and is unable to get cable internet or a DSL line. He had terrestrial wireless but it started being intermittent and the provider stopped taking his calls. He tried cellular-based solutions but ran in to data limits and throttling. He just set up his Starlink antenna on

Assuming it’s stock and not beefed up (with the corresponding fine print in the ad).

Poor Rudy Vallee didn’t stand a chance against Grant in The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer. Nobody would have believed that Myrna Loy would go for a wet noodle like Vallee’s character

Have they pared down the number of catering challenges yet? 

Welcome Back Kotter and Barney Miller existed.

A woman in my wife’s office told her that one a couple of weeks ago. She was totally serious. Why Bill Gates wants to track people, I’m not sure but if he did I think he’d just go with the pocket GPS devices that everyone carries everywhere. 

Be like Mick Fleetwood.

We can either curse a bureaucracy for being overly officious or a thin skinned billionaire who thinks that the rules don’t apply to him.

In the “before times” I used to order lunch fairly regularly from JJs so I got this announcement email this morning. My house isn’t in a delivery area, though, so I won’t be trying it until my next trip to the office. 

My USB-C port has been dead for a while on the Pixel and I’m going to be traveling soon and I didn’t want to have to rely on wireless only since I’m going to be in a rental car. I decided to try the Samsung mostly because I’ve never had a Samsung phone and decided to give it a try. We’ll see how frustrating it turns