
People didn’t like Noelle? It seemed harmless enough and it has Anna Kendrick so good enough. 


I am! It was a fun time for everyone out on the roads around there! 

A Chik-fil-A just opened in my city. Since I’m not willing to wait 5 hours in line for a chicken sandwich I haven’t had the opportunity to test it out yet. The fact that some people ARE willing to wait in their cars, blocking lanes of traffic, for 5+ hours to get fast food chicken befuddles the fuck out of me. 

Counterpoint: No, it’s not. There are plenty of coats that are just as warm or warmer for a hell of a lot less money. It might be worth it if you actually are summiting Everest otherwise it’s a fashion statement.

Counterpoint: No, it’s not. There are plenty of coats that are just as warm or warmer for a hell of a lot less

All I ask is for some reproduction parts that actually fucking fit. For some reason that seems to be a big ask so if this gets us there I’m all for it. 

Vet here too. I will never buy a product that tries to wrap itself up in the flag to boost sales nor will I drape myself, my house or my car with flags. I showed my patriotism with six years of my life not buy buying a fucking flag.

Ironically, Christmas wasn’t always a big Christian holiday either. Easter was way more important and Puritans even banned celebrating Christmas. We have the Victorians to thank for what we think of as “Christmas”. 

What a strange tone for this article. Musk is an ass and a spoiled rich boy who throws temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way, but that doesn’t change the accomplishments of SpaceX. This was a prototype and nobody gave it much of a chance of total success, even Musk, but it flew, and then maneuvered its way back

He’s at the age where estate planning is probably more important to him than whether Tide uses Blowin’ in the Wind in a commercial or not

Ok, let’s assume that she’s being straight and just agrees with the antivax nonsense. Shuri would mock her mercilessly about her anti-science nonsense. Why do people latch on to random weirdos instead of the fucking experts on a subject? Does it make them feel like they are somehow smarter than everyone else because

That moment when an engine fires to life for the first time ... it’s hard to describe. It’s joy, relief and redemption all in one. The moment when a pile of parts becomes a car again. Ahhhh! After that though, comes the inevitable checking for leaks and sounds of clanking that might bring it all crashing down again. 

Same here. A TV dinner or maybe Banquet frozen fried chicken were special treats. 

I’m old enough to remember TV variety shows, and I loved Carol Burnett, Sonny&Cher and many of the rest of them so I know the context. The Holiday Special was still bad, and 13 year old me thought the same thing. The problem was that the story/movie element seemed like it was part of a different show than the variety

The Elon cult fully believe that Star Ship will send a hundred people to Mars in two years. That’s why even notorious hypeman Musk is trying to temper expectations. In addition to what NASA is doing don’t forget Rocket Lab’s Electron rocket as well as ULA, Blue Origin and others. The more people we have going to space

Ah, I see. It’s not ugly it’s edgy, and if I think it’s ugly it’s because I’m old fashioned and stuck in my ways and not cool enough. That last bit is a fair cop, but the car is still butt ugly and no amount of throwing shade is going to change that.

Brian’s looking pretty good in those Dr. Pepper commercials.

The trope I’m really, really sick of is more universal than just sci-fi. It’s the falsely accused who has to prove that they’re innocent. Most of the time they throw in a grand conspiracy against the innocent character to make it more of a challenge. That one has been stomped in to the ground and should be put out of

None of it makes sense