
My wife loved her G37x but 2011 was a long time ago. We don’t even have an Infiniti dealer within 250 miles of us now. Which is my way of saying that this is probably too little too late. You can’t ignore your product for that long and expect to thrive. 

He is B.J. and the Bear. Except for the fabulous hair.

You’ll get no argument from me. I’d sell a kidney for that car, but the styling is right on the edge. Maybe that’s what makes it badass.

I used to drive around with my Great Dane in a Ford Probe. He took up the whole back seat and would occasionally put his head through the sunroof, but otherwise it was ok. 

Even a Formula Firebird thinks that’s ridiculous.

Hey, it’s nice to get up in the morning and have the pregame shows already going. Not to mention that we don’t have to stay up until midnight to see the end of games. The late Sunday game is over by 9:00. The only downside is MNF starting before people get home from work. 

I thought so. My parents bought a new ‘78 Aspen when I was a kid. It was a huge POS. 

I don’t know what time zone that 10am is based on, and I don’t care enough to look it up, but if it’s east coast time then Mario would be starting at 7am Pacific. Who the hell gets up that early on a Saturday to go see Mario Lopez?

Wait, is that an Aspen/Volare? 

As someone who watches races on tv and not in person, I freaking hate street circuits. Or at least most of them. They tend to have few on-track passes and turn into processionals.

I thought Tequila had to be grown in a certain region sort of like champagne? And if it wasn’t it was mezcal?

I honestly thought that place had disappeared when Quaaludes did.

Our company was already mostly work from home but everyone who is local would come in on Wednesdays and we’d have a group lunch. It was a good way to keep in touch on a personal level. We tried to have a weekly Zoom lunch but that eventually waned. I still go in once a week to get the mail and such, and some people

They do have drone-like devices that could carry a person. They have, in fact, been used for prison escape attempts before. These are called helicopters and the BOP hasn’t seen the need to guard against them since their invention in the 30s. 

I didn’t think of it either, but I’m the oldest in my family. My wife, though, was a second child and that was her immediate thought. Well, after “that’s fucking creepy”.

The mural was absolutely the worst part of that. Not only is it creepy but my wife pointed out that when/if they have another kid they will not be represented which I am sure will be pointed out by their older sibling at some point.

He had other, larger, trucks for livestock. The Stout was used to take people and equipment out to the fields and generally drive around the farm which meant a lot of bouncing across rough ground.

My grandfather got one of these as a farm truck in 1980 or so. It was the first Japanese vehicle he ever bought, and the last, but he loved that thing. It was small, agile and most importantly tough. 

I learned to drive a stick on a Toyota Stout. After learning 3 on a tree on that pickup a floor shift was a piece of cake.

Because you’re trying to curb your hoarder tendencies?