The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

I mean, Loki is totally in this and they think that by not showing him in the trailer we’re going to be fooled somehow into thinking Loki totally isn’t in this.

The Superbowl being on is a great reason to go see a movie in a theater, as it assures a Wednesday matinee crowd on a weekend schedule.

Honestly, I’ve grown to appreciate The Phantom Menace more over the years. It’s miles better than Episode II “I Don’t Like Sand.” It has some of the best sound design and practical effects of the entire series. It features John Williams’ best addition to the music of Star Wars since The Imperial March.

This was another great poster:

Glad it went out on a high note. The penultimate episode, “Elora’s Dad”, easily rivals The Last of Us “Bill and Frank” episode. 

‘”What a talented group of writers and directors, can’t wait to see what they get up to next”’

Really? Even Cheese?

Well, you’ll always have Friends.

Is there a way to make sure everyone in season 3 gets an Emmy? The whole gang, Deer Lady, all the elders, aunties & uncles, Spirit, Jackie & White Steve, Kenny Boy, White Jesus, Big & Bev, just throw Emmys at the whole crew, and save an extra one for Devery Jacobs for directing the episode where Rita’s dead friend

A Connecticut Predator in King Arthur’s Court

Fuck off with this labor valuation bullshit.

I agree. There are only so many new characters you can introduce at once if you need the audience to care about all of them. Eternals tried to do a lot of characters over a time span of thousands of years, and a standard movie was not able to do it justice. I remember liking it but I would have a hard time telling you

Now this I agree with. This was around the time all the services were looking for the next GoT. This was the Disney+ one

I didn’t know that about the Icheb actor. Goddamn.

lol they couldn’t find a universe where he wasn’t a violent creep i guess?

>>>”She wasn’t fired from Lucasfilm, they decided to not renew her contract. Can’t imagine that fact makes it any easier for her to sue them.”

It likely did.  Morality clauses wherein people can be fired for public behaviour that reflects badly on the company or production they’re in are commonplace.  This is a non-issue.

also, what evidence does she have of other actors making similar statements and not being fired?  i didn’t see any proof od that accusation

As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech”

Now playing

That’s not even the best part of I Love Lisa.