The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

eh, I don't think it was as bad as everyone makes it out to be. and the last season was one of the better ones of the series. now Voyager...

You're indecisive. No one will take you to a chinese restaurant because you're still asking the waiter questions while everyone else has finished eating. When someone asks "what do you want to do?" You answer: "whatever everyone else is down with," and everyone hates you for it. When you are driving somewhere you

If they make Indy 5, they should cast Selleck as Indy's brother. Tom can show up at the beginning of the movie to console Indy over the gruesome, horrible death of his illegitimate son.

Damn you.

I have never pre-ordered a game in my life other than Ocarina of Time, I think this qualifies

Now playing

The entire DCAU "Batman TAS" Superman TAS" "Batman Beyond" and "Justice League." It's been nearly a decade since it's been done and it's still better storytelling than any other show out there.

He lived in Gotham. The Waynes update their wills as they leave the house every morning.

They should have gotten Glenn Close to reprise her role:


See The Chicago Bulls.

Because about a third of the Earth's population falls under that demographic?

Oh, in America, the errors in our textbooks are called 'religious freedom'.

Dear Fox,

I am sure someone will call me a racist for this, but whatever. But sue and Johnny Storm are siblings. Full on genetic siblings. As in same mother and father. How do we get black Johnny Storm? If you want to make one black, make them both black. Be consistent at least.

As a person who lives in a no-raccoons-as-pets state, this will have to do.

For 30 years I wanted another Buckaroo Banzai movie.