The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

First thing I thought of seeing that photo.

That's settled. Next question, please.

The cocaine high from the 80s was already beginning to wear off. Grunge and brooding misanthropy were right around the corner.

Also, I should clarify: Obviously, I mean the best live-action Batman movie. The best Batman movie ever is of obviously Mask of the Phantasm, mainly for including the only romance Bruce Wayne/Batman should have ever had.

Let Guillermo del Torro do it. He has respect in both fantasy and sci-fi communities. He understands the right mix between set design, costume, makeup, and CGI which was painfully lacking in the prequels. His actors give alright performances and he can put a nice flavor to the design of new alien races. His movies are

No one shows this guy Ferngully, it'll kill him.

I may be going out on limb here, but I feel that anyone who doesn't think The LEGO Movie is the best thing ever is not simply a bad person but flat out evil and should be stoned and their families cast out and never be allowed pizza and soft drinks again.

I always hate interpretations where he was sent to Earth on purpose. I prefer those where Jor-El had no idea where Kal would end up (that the pod was just searching for anywhere fitting certain criteria in terms of atmosphere and intelligent inhabitants where he'd have a chance of survival) and where the Kryptonians

Ended perfectly where it needed to.

No video for me, just a screen with some photos from 2013 tiled out... and I joined in 2004.

Now playing

"At Least The Super Bowl Had One Good Moment: Jack Bauer"

Fuck you.


My wife LOVES this movie. A tiny flaw to an otherwise flawless specimen.

The Wire

People just can't take it when everyone doesn't make it out in the end. That's what happens when people take too long to make pointless one liners and quips :p

My last job interview was by text adventure.

DC's way of one-upping Marvel is to make a movie without an ending?

would gizmodo have paid $10,000 for the unretouched photos?

I found an unretouched picture of the dog, please send $100 to me at Gawker.