The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

I was hoping it would be more like this:

Just watched Desolation last night, I knew going in that this is movie two out of three, but I didn't expect it to end like it did. No joke but when the light went on everyone in the cinema and myself included let out a groan of anger. Damn you Peter Jackson for making such a splendid ending now that is a cliffhanger.

I am reasonably secure in my belief that when Death comes for Christopher Lee, the reaper will pull back his hood to reveal it was Mr. Lee all along.

I swear to god, I wake up everyday partially afraid this this will be the morning I find out Christopher Lee has died.

This basically explains why Disney/Marvel continue to clean Warner/DC's clocks. You have animated movies like Frozen, which is basically obliterating the box office of the live-action Green Lantern, and is going to sell a metric ass-ton of new Disney Princess merchandise, so the DC/Warner execs' outlook makes no

Also, I know this is cheating because it isn't a movie but it will bug me forever and ever that this show never was allowed to end properly. One more season is all I ask.

I see that, but I also feel they have zero confidence in the character or in their ability to make a movie starring her. Marvel made a Thor movie for godsakes, two of them and they were good to decent. Do you know how unrealistic that would have sounded growing up in the 90s? Yet WB can't make a movie of the fourth

Warner Bros refuses to introduce Wonder Woman in her own feature film and pry-bar her into a Superman Batman movie?

That gun flipping versus his cup flipping as an sarcastic retort was the best thing.

My favorite line is still the following:

"Your so drunk, I bet you can't even see straight."

"And that's why, I have two... guns. One for each of you."

I name my money Waldo.


It's also Alan Moore's birthday, but he's a Playstation exclusive.

There are a few.... oddly worded sentences there.

When I read the headline I automatically knew it wasn't going to be San Francisco.

Nerd blackface.