The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

They need to make movies with spidey or any of his ancillery characters every few years in order to keep the movie rights, so yeah producers level scam. 

So T Swift's in it then.

Eh pretty difficult to hide the coolest action beat in th movie from promos. Attack of the Clones got it right by hiding Yoda’s big moment. 

Bane of my existence in my OG Battlefront playthroughs. 

Now playing

Time for the Time Paradoxes to begin. Too bad it’s 1998 and not 2018, the X-Men could have learned a thing or two by watching these time traveling buddies:

Also keep John Semper away. He was/is a terrible writer. 

would be on board with him or Rino Romero who did a good job voicing him in the ps1 games and Unlimited. 

yeah I’d hold off on bringing him back. he

please vote if you’re registered, reigister if you’re eligible, and vote these fools out this year and every year. 

I guess he didn’t have to chase her to the ennnnds of the eaaarrth!

If Warner and Disney are smart they should barbieheimer the hell out of Superman and FF.

none and I’m guessing that was a goof in the script and was supposed to be Cable teleporting them there using his tech. 

I’m really wondering too. If it were something criminal or really unethical, he wouldn’t be that dumb to keep tweeting. If it was a question of being an ego and an asshole in the office, I hope he can find some humility and treat his co-workers better the same way he treats the fans.

DeMayo’s twitter replies als have a lot more interesting details from the finale that cleared up some holes. (SPOILERS) (Jubilee and Sunspot were in the stratosphere and had oxygen when they exited Asteroid M. Rogue was able to breathe because she delibertly knocked Bastion into the Blue side of the moon. Storm, Morph,

Got to say glad they went for it. 

Admiration for Scott Snyder has always been high. He details his visit to the Superman (2025) set

Right. (Oh thanks for reminding me F you Zucker. coco is laughing now Magasshole)

good. Bob Harras and co dragged it out for too long. 

Hope to god it doesn’t take forever for Logan to regain the adamantium. 

Yeah I think that's where Gunn is going with this.