The Left Hand of the Son of Coul

I am extremely curious as to why he got fired. His work is top notch but if those allegations of him being extremely abusive to other writers is true, the ends don’t justify the means. (IF he has anger management issues they should be dealt with ASAP not just for his career) 

This will add this team has done a better job adapting major x-men storylines with less time than hacks of the Fox live action duds (looking at you wolverine origins, 3 and dark phoneix )

If this was the first season of the show i’d agree with you, but treating Storm’s journey as one that we’ve seen for 6 seasons, culminating in her journey with Forge, this felt just about right. Would have I liked more, yes, but this is an X-Men show and she shares the screen with the others. We’re lucky she got an ep

I feel like it’s 50/50 him and the Paramount execs who are penny pinching before the big sale, but yeah. 

Yes it can work when done well (superman the movie, all star superman).

I lean towards Superman Birthright where Clark makes the push to be a hero on his own and without any major life event to him or his family giving him the push.  

When do they go on sale?

ignore them, almost all are too busy campaigning for RFK jr

I hope the Kents are very much alive when Clark dons the suit.

Now playing

Was looking for this. His look of shock is priceless.

Also see any time Harrison Ford showed up.

Leno more than Fallon. Also Jeff Zucker. 

Yeah I agree with  them, the OG version of the GB advance and n64 were supposed to come out at the same time 1995ish but both ran into delays (with the former being canceled) Big N was seeing the competition from Sony and was trying to innovate AND get a stop gap in fast. Unlike Japan the SNES’s popularity was waning


This. Everything up to the last 5 min is perfect.

the show;s director already said Nova is not happening.

Was going to say the clunkers of season 7, which were many

Yeah which is why Holland didn’t voice him in what-If. (Disney use your money to buy back the rights from the people who forced Madam Web on us!)

Now give us a movie where Boilmer and Kirk cook eggs...for 2 hours. 

Right but the question is how much of the plot will be redone in the reshoots.

Really would love to live in the universe where he kept the Tonight Show, (from NY) and was the host for nearly 2 decades.