
It's probably not bad enough to bring down skynet, but it may account for why the targeting errors that keep allowing the Connor family to survive.

Having trouble telling the difference between blog and news outlet?

What? You think yours isn't?

Are we looking at the same Black Widow? The one I see looks kinda scary. I'm not even sure she's really a she. *shudder*

Nice catch! DMCA takedown notice in 3 . . 2 . . 1

$10,000 a day for condoms?!? No wonder teen pregnancy is a problem! ;)

Why the @#$! would you stash the dangerous chemical reaction in your pants?!?

You need a bigger microSD card. If your device doesn't support microSD, then you need a new phone. If you don't know what microSD is, then you need to move along.

Not to nitpick, but it's "innocent UNLESS proven guilty". That wording is important. Using 'until' implies that proof of guilt is inevitable.

OK, Ready!

See my reply to jackburnt. There are legitimate reasons for not wanting a phone number tied to your name and it's probably more common than you might think.

I had a family member who left an abusive husband. She bought a prepaid phone and activated it with a fake name to hide it from her tech-savvy abusive ex.

Here you go.


"If I get a DUI I cant just offer my local court a bag of cash and say it never happen"

SliberDrachi, stop giving the amateurs trade secrets!

This means nothing. A 160-bit SHA-1 hash is not even the same creature as 256-bit AES encryption. They aren't even the same species.

What happened to "innocent until PROVEN guilty"? You say "do it for the children who would otherwise be scarred"?!? What about the family of the wrongly convicted and their scars?

'Merica! FUCK YEAH! Comin in to save the motherfuckin day, yeah!