
The more we even acknowledge there are people of color, the more we contribute to the problem. You can’t have racism if you stop classifying people by race. You can’t have sexism if you stop classifying people by sex. You can’t have LGBTQA problems if you stop classifying people by their sexuality.

Ah, this year’s edition of “Halloween is problematic, time to be offended by everything”. Its must be exhausting to be on the lookout for things to be offended by 24/7. Do you crowdsource your outrage search or do you all have a fire watch schedule and take turns being on the lookout for things that might be

Just pointing out that reducing all anime geared towards men to “flashy action boobs with small words” is a bit... ignorant, for lack of a better word. The majority of the medium’s cream and crop, in intellectual terms, is fairly gender-neutral, but I’ve certainly seem many more examples of intelligent seinen shows

THANK YOU! I have lost my ability to not roll my eyes deep into my skull at these SJW, click bait, “I took a class in college” articles that project more about the writer’s personal issues than the subject.

“What I don’t understand is why, despite cultural differences, a lot of American anime fans see Keijo!!!!!!!! and laugh it off, unmoved that, in this show, women are valued at the sum total of their body parts.”

I don’t know what you mean by enemy patrol routes being “unclear”. They’re honestly quite predictable and you can even mark enemies to make sure they don’t get too close to a body. The movement is indeed a bit clunky and i wish you could jump because while teleportation can get you to many high places, being able to

Try letting them know you are white, or that you have a creed or a gender or an opinion about something. The problem isn’t honest bigotry, it’s a culture of anonymity desperate to offend.

Well this was an unexpected reply. Nice.

Hahaha, stay triggered. :)

I’m not religious myself, but I come from a family of pretty progressive Christians (One of whom is a pastor) who are all pro-LGBT, anti-discrimination in any form, pro social justice/equality, treating everyone with respect and kindess, and all that other “treat others the way you would hope to be treated” stuff.

Yeah, Ryu should put his shirt on. Even Mika has her nipples covered after all. What a manslut he is.

Its always the victims fault when its a black assailant. You people are fucking autistic animals.

It is a way to give “cosplaying” children Maui’s tattoos without printing those water-based things on your children from neck to waist and all down the arms. If it were too light-colored (to match other skin-tones) you’d be offended. If it was just the leaf-toga then little boys’ wouldn’t’ve wanted it because the

Where’s all the trigger warnings and other rape-culture accusitory SJW’s in the house??

It’s JAPAN. It’s just what they do. White people can’t dance, black people like chicken, mexicans cross borders... and guess what? Japanese people love to make innappropriate “dating” games where you take advantage of young-ish

I laughed a bit. Your are giving Naughty Dog to much credit though.

So when am I going to get my hack to finally play as “Tomb Raider: Ronald Croft"?

or even, you know, a person.
the artwork in this is really not good.

Even though I like that they aren’t making her some kind of female model.... it would be nice if she actually looked like a girl...

Man, Squrrel Girl was always a derpy character, but at least she didn’t LOOK derpy....
But now.

I care a lot less about her powers origin then I do about that art. It’s the main reason for not picking it up.