Tjardus Greidanus

I love how all these musicians are acting like it's suddenly a huge shock that the Grammys are stupid and lack any semblance of artistic integrity.

Or make love to a schoolboy.

"And to think that in some countries these dogs are eaten."


I have to make sure I don't accidentally wear red, because the last time that happened I was mocked mercilessly.

Kind of an upstate NY thing, but I feel that way about classic Genessee. Perfectly drinkable beer with a beautiful can design, and when I was in college, the grocery store sold 24-ounce tallboys for $1.49.

Pussy Boi. Marriage has made you soft.

Yeah grown men are always telling my girlfriend to smile. She's perfected a glare that combines the appropriate amount of hatred and disgust.

- Brundlefly

Including the Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties/King Ralph slash fic I've been writing in my head.

Kraftwerk - "Vitamin"
Ghostface Killah - "After the Smoke is Clear"
Public Enemy - "Bring the Noise (Feat. Anthrax)"
Bruce Springsteen - "Because the Night (Live)"
Memory Tapes - "Thru the Field"

Bruce is going on tour!

I really don't think she's a great actress and she exemplifies all of the worst qualities of the theater kids I loathed in high school. Her acceptance speech(es) at the Golden Globes made me want to blow my brains out.

Yes. Yes I would.

"So sorry I'm late, Ms. Priestly!"
"Yeah, you were always fuckin' late, you were late for your own fuckin' funeral."

"Morty Seinfeld. I cut velvet for forty years with Harry Altman!"

My favorite movie is Man Getting Hit by Football

I like the movies with the farts

This economy, am I right fellas?