Tjardus Greidanus

I think a "God of the Week" format is such a good idea. There's so much material there, and while I loved American Gods, I found myself wanting more interactions between Shadow/Wednesday and the rest of the pantheon.

It's really fantastic but it's definitely a bit of an undertaking. There's only so much post-colonial misery I can handle at a time.


His TBS show sucks. Leno's a schmuck but I genuinely believe that Conan wasn't a right fit for The Tonight Show. As you said, so much of the shit that made Late Night great just doesn't fly before that 12:35 time slot.

I think you're dead on about Letterman. I grew up watching him and thanks to those memories, I would still probably call him my favorite late night host. But in recent years, it just feels like he's been going through the motions. Letterman was always a snarky asshole, but at some point in the last decade, that snark

What field are you trying to work in?

I really, really hated this movie when I first saw it. I think I have to rewatch it soon.

It was a pretty small window so I guess I just assumed.

. . . of Commons.

Last night, I went out with Tjardette to a relatively fancy sandwich place. They brought my panini on a wooden board, like something upon which you'd put cheese.

That really sucks. Moving on is hard but in my experience, you should just let it happen naturally. Give it time and you'll find someone else, just don't try to force it by going out and sleeping with the first person to give you the time of day or something like that.


Was the breakup your idea or mutual or what?

I think it's obvious that you and your friends stumbled upon a serial killer's lair and narrowly avoided getting made into a dress.

Jesus Christ. This feels like a cautionary dystopian novel.


Dirty Projectors - "The Bride"
Yeasayer - "2080"
Wu-Tang Clan - "Hellz Wind Staff (Feat. Streetlife)"
The Good, the Bad & the Queen - "Three Changes"
Mos Def - "Pretty Danger"

Just saw Enough Said last weekend. Great little movie and a fitting end to Gandolfini's career.

Cosmicomics is gorgeous. "The Distance of the Moon" and "The Aquatic Uncle" especially. The former is one of the few pieces of literature to genuinely make me tear up.

Both Hyperion and the first sequel have been sitting on my shelf for months. I may have to pick them up next.