Tjardus Greidanus

He's talking about Tom's Diner.

Considering Manhattan clam chowder is an atrocity that's kind of a low bar.

Eh, it was kind of fun and I didn't hate it. Plus I got to imagen what if senfeld still on tv today.

*takes deep breath*

I really admire your willingness to champion the unpopular opinion and tell it like it is, Dik. You're doing God's work.

Is Labor Day for real? The trailer felt like one of those spoof trailers at the beginning of Tropic Thunder.


Fuck I wish I could afford this

Yeah I definitely think that's bullshit. I also feel kind of unsafe if the man who controls America's nuclear arsenal is constantly on edge because he has to chew shitty Nicorette instead of just having a cigarette.

. . . want to puke because he's a showboating attention whore.

Uggie the dog is the Anne Hathaway of Hollywood animals.

I sometimes dream about those Krispy Kreme glazed fuckers.

Somewhat off topic but whatever:

Eric B. & Rakim "I Ain't No Joke"
The Stone Roses - "Ten Storey Love Song"
Neutral Milk Hotel - "The King of Carrot Flowers Pts. Two & Three"
J Dilla - "Workinonit"
Atlas Sound - "Ativan"

The cat in Llewyn Davis was the true star of the film.

You, sir, have the boorish manners of a Yalie!

Heath too (RIP)

I saw Deer Tick a few years back. Such a great show.

I also like Jason Isaacs as the most cartoonishly villainous character outside of a Dudley Do-Right short.

My favorite part is when the slaves rebuild Mel Gibson's plantation, because apparently they liked being human chattel so much. Then the last line is like, "We're going to build a whole new world. We just figured we'd get started right here with your home."