Tjardus Greidanus

Holy shit, what a terrible idea. DC is one of the worst cities I can possibly imagine holding the Olympics.

Was it haunted by headless Hessians?

Okay, this show just went from "this-looks-like-it-could-be-cool" to "CAN'T-FUCKING-MISS" on my excitement scale.

Maybe Lady Rev should mind her own business?

So who's in your Final Four?


Guys, guys, guys, settle down.

That commercial makes my mom (and probably moms across America) cry.

Dallas rules!

God, Buffy Season 4 . . . such a hard thing to reconcile. Some of the best episodes of the show with the least compelling Big Bad and overarching storyline possible. The Initiative had the potential to be SO COOL.

Plus, Shelley Long was about a million times more charming than Kirstie Alley

I have no problem with a tag before and after each episode. I find the fifteen, twenty minute long sales pitches annoying and insulting.

Don't forget reminders that he went to UC Santa Cruz.

Beetle Bailey's been a private for just as long. Surprised he hasn't been court-martialed yet.

Please no

I was just being a dick. I actually do agree with you.

I'm with you Sean, I'd much rather see an adaptation of the Mastodon album.

Always with the slash fiction . . .

Yeah my scam-detector alarm was blaring as I read this post.

I don't know about the Penny Arcade thing but I find Jesse Thorn irritating on the podcast. Monte Belmonte is a much better bailiff.