Tjardus Greidanus

Topher's insistence on going out for tough, violent roles (see also: Predators) is a constant source of amusement for me.

I bet this will be great. Waltz with Bashir is fantastic.

I wonder if the movie touches on Disney's antisemitic tendencies.

My money's on Aaron Taylor-Johnson. That kid is hot right now!

And the Wiseguy Apostles!

And what an appearance it was!

Fuck. Does that mean Bruce Stringcheese & the Cheese Street Band needs to go on the backburner?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the former.

What? Lorne Michaels has his head up his ass?

Well that explains ¡Rob!

::Count Basie and his Orchestra plays him in::

Purple Rain

Well if it's Pope Benedict than he needs to be played by an enormous, stoic Teuton. So Schwarzenegger or Dolph Lundgren. Maybe Rutger Hauer if he can bulk up a little.

I know! Though to be fair it was always hilarious because he said motherfucker (teeheehee)

I think it's entirely possible that Pope Frank is the antichrist and he's trying to bring down the Church. It's up to one tough archbishop (Bruce Willis) to come out of retirement and take him down.

"Ay motherfucker."

In terms of a theme song "setting the tone" of a series, I'd argue that Larry Sanders is the gold standard. Nothing screams early-90s Hollywood phoniness like that sax part coupled with Hank's intro.

I was just about to say that I'm surprised Angelo Badalamenti isn't sampled more. This is fantastic though.

Believe me, I tied my own shoes once. It is an overrated experience.

Oh please