Tjardus Greidanus

I wish there were more gimmicky police procedurals with painfully stupid titles like Ironside.

That Hansel is one hot little potato

Kramer wearing that ridiculous sweater while chugging a beer with a cigarette in his mouth is arguably the funniest sight gag in all of Seinfeld.

My favorite part of Revenge of the Nerds is when the other Tri-Lam chapters stroll in to the nerds' defense to a funky beat and cross their arms menacingly. I guess they're supposed to be intimidating solely because they're black?

Great place to get stabbed, too.


Humanity is a reboot of a reboot of a reboot away from the Violence Channel

Hey I'd see it!*

Great writeup. Taxi has been on my to-watch list for a while and now I think I'm going to move it up a few spots.

Remind me to never eat a meal with you ever.

Three goats or the equivalent in grain. Four goats for non-blind virgins.

99% of being a fan of the New York Metropolitans is holding out hope for something.

Fucking white people

Yeah I'm going to have to humbly disagree with this one

"Johnny Trial"

"The court hereby revokes your license to ill and sentences you to check your head."


I went through a libertarian phase for about two months in middle school. I got all hyped up about "FREEDOM FROM GOVERNMENT" and other such nonsense because South Park made me laugh and I liked the idea of legal drugs.

Radiohead - "Electioneering"
Hugh Masekela - "Minawa"
Mad Lib - "World Leaders Plan Centralized Power & Remote Brain Control"
The Eagles - "Pretty Maids All in a Row"*
Tom Waits - "Sea of Love"

Calling all Mets fans, calling all Mets fans