Tjardus Greidanus

I'll keep feeding you. And feeding you. And feeding you. And feeding you.

Wrong. Every other Pixar movie has a well developed internal logic that Cars chooses to disregard for some reason.

Just picked up The Encyclopedia of Early Earth and I'm very excited to get into it. Over the Wall and The Property also sound great. Might have to pick them up today.

I accept the challenge, you foppish ass

Bachelorette is amazing and I will fight for that movie to the death.

Ohhhhhhhh, I get it now! Hey, that is funny!

Her need to insert herself into city politics by endorsing Scott Stringer for comptroller (a man who couldn't successfully run the finances of a bar, let alone an entire city's) because her dumb fucking friend was his press secretary made me physically ill.

I've never been able to put my dislike for Girls into words but I think you perfectly summed it up. I realize I'm supposed to identify (or at least empathize) with these awful people, but their heads are crammed so far up their asses that I just can't. Plus, there really are no grounded, semi-normal characters to

I think it's amazing that the movie is actually titled Gangster Squad. That's the kind of title a 13-year-old boy would come up with.

I was disappointed too but I didn't hate it. There's great science fiction at the heart of Elysium, they just muddled the movie with a whole lot of other bullshit.


And if she's taller, no less than twice your height.

No need for that kind of language, friend.

I agree. The first step to subjugation is dehumanization, so why even bother giving them a name?

Interesting theory but I have to disagree


Hey I have a question: why does your owner hate Jews so much?

Hey, even he gets boarded sometimes.

"She put hair gel in her hair? I don't get it."

Confession time: I really like the 1998 Godzilla.