Tjardus Greidanus

He's performing a valuable public service

There have only been like 12 of them so I would just start from the beginning. They're all great anyway.

I mostly agree with you. Have you read The Devil of Great Island? It's an investigation of a witch panic in New Hampshire that took place about ten years before Salem. It's interesting solely for shedding light on an otherwise little known incident, but it's basically a standard Marxist interpretation that attributes

I hate to use a slippery slope argument, but I do think these "cultural appropriation" screeds set a very questionable precedent. I mean, if you look hard enough, you can make an argument about literally any artist "appropriating" someone else's culture.

90% sure Robin Thicke has "a roofie guy"

Goddamn it I love the AV Club. This is an awesome article and I completely agree with everything.

My issues with Macklemore are purely aesthetic. "Thrift Shop" sucks and stands on the shoulders of giants and "Same Love" is about as subtle as getting smashed in the face with a cinderblock. I also think he looks and acts like a smug tool.

She looks like Jonah Hill in the trailers for The Wolf of Wall Street

Different writers have different opinions?! Perish the thought!

Missing: Rhye, Autre Ne Veut, Diarrhea Planet, So So Glos, and Death Grips.

Honestly, I think it would be amazing if they pulled some unknown Yiddish stage actor. That opening scene in A Serious Man makes me believe that this an untapped and deceptively deep well of talent.

Every year once spring training rolls around, I do everything possible to convince myself that it's going to be a great season. I feel like Gil from The Simpsons and it's pathetic.

When I was a wee lad of 12, I was too scared to look at porn on the internet (those sites require you to be 18!), so after my parents went to bed, I'd secretly watch any premium cable softcore bullshit that I could find. Once, a Real Sex rerun came on, and though I had never watched it before, it had all the hallmarks

Eh. This looks like a crappy episode of Spartacus, but without the titties and wieners.

How dare you besmirch the good name of the History Channel


Can someone explain to me how they're still filming the current season of American Horror Story? More than half the episodes have aired!

"This . . . IS BATSHIT!!!"
- Lance Reddick, in an aside to the audience following every episode of American Horror Story


Yes. It's like Diablo Cody set out to write the most irritating screenplay of all time.