“Small government” is only lip service that the GOP uses to slash services. It’s ignored when it comes to rules that will protect their friends.
“Small government” is only lip service that the GOP uses to slash services. It’s ignored when it comes to rules that will protect their friends.
Da gubmint shouldn’t be picking winners and losers and whatnot
Yeah, but then you would have to live in Wyoming. Wouldn’t it be better to live somewhere with schools, culture, sports, museums, jobs, etc.?
It’s even more hilarious if you know about the *real* Adam Smith (go and listen to Freakonomics’ 3-episode series on him)
There isn’t one.
Franchise laws that are enacted in every state to protect dealers.
Florida really doesn’t want anyone to live there or visit.
Tesla’s can use these stations though, but not the other way around. So the network for Tesla EVs will always be larger. Most of these stations also do not charge at the speeds Superchargers are capable of.
I’m sure this is entirely due to the helium shortage and not at all due to the fact that almost everything Party City sells is cheap garbage.
Hydrogen balloons... Lighter than helium.
Whenever you sneeze I will reply with “Really, it’s come to this?”
Well, this is the dumbest article I’ll bother reading today.
As is so often the case, Seinfeld was way ahead of the curve on this one.
Really, it’s come to this?
I made a jack-o-lantern app, but for some reason iJack never really took off.
And in case your not sure how to recognize these types. they are often referred to as take charge, no nonsense, go-getters.
I came here to make a The Expanse reference, damn you earther
Oye beratna! Kewe to pensa ere seteshang Erosh?
See you in line. How do you like your coffee?