
Tesla for the cow? You mean a company that even if you believe its pushing technology for the genuine good of the environment, would only make a profit because of government incentives on selling seaweed, and a huge investment manipulating the market value of let’s call it BeefCoin, where the methane generated to

This is what is so saddening about justice in the modern world; unless you can get something to go viral, the system is so stacked against you, both trying to seek justice from the outside, or trying to defend yourself against police and power when it pulls you in, that most people just don’t have the personal

This shouldn’t be surprising, but it is of course harmful and we shouldn’t stop calling such behaviour out.

God damn libertarian douche nerd-bros arrrghhh... if we were dealing with just hobbyists here, geeking out over something they enjoy in the privacy of their own homes, it wouldn’t be so bad; but tens of millions of taxpayers money was wasted on this literally anti-social wank hole that all rational people knew was neve

“I know the law always lags behind technology, but this is really becoming a problem.”

Alex Kidd In Miracle World was, as I recall, also much much harder than Wonderboy 3, so if it’s a straight remake,  I can’t help but wonder if the aging fans of the originals will be able to enjoy it as much as the Wonderboy/Monsterboy remakes due to the more punishing gameplay... Put me down for a “purchase if cheap”

Bring it, ya gribbly gitz; Kotaku may be sick’o da Warhammer gamez, but we’ll play chop ‘em up wiff ya anytime an’ anywhen! Best ya kan do iz send uz ta Gork early. Or maybe it wuz Mork? Eitha way, den we get ta krump wiff da godz ferever, so we alwayz winz; where az yoo iz gunna end up fed in bitz ta our squigz!

It’z not just real, it’z right proppa Orky and glorious, and yoo oomiez iz too fikk ta appreciate dat Green iz best an’ ya shud all spend ya teef on payin’ to join da Squadrun. ‘Course, ya weedy stubby pink sausage fingerz ain’t able to hamma da Dakka button as gud as da Boyz, so even if ya did, we’d haff ta slap sum

Twitch is unfortunately caught on the petard of an unresolved societal hypocrisy in that two different moral perspectives both have extremely strong opinions that inherently apply double standards on parts of the financial exploitation of female sexuality, and neither is prepared to resolve the hypocrisy.

I have a Modest Proposal here... Which if you know your literary history should flag this up as taking a deliberately outrageous position in order to illustrate the morally outrageous opposite position that is actually accepted as the norm.

It’s sadly not just older, discontinued titles that the games industry is unbelievably shoddy about archiving; when I was hired to write for Ultima Online, I discovered EA/Mythic had stopped archiving any of the lore or in game plots/characters in the handbook 10 years earlier. And even the links to web resources

Disagree; it to me was the most over-hyped game I’ve ever played, one that rides on the back of SNES nostalgia and people getting incredibly over-invested in the deliberate “meme” potential. It’s a game that crowd sourced monster ideas and took “Tsunderplane” as one of them;

Just replying to myself because events have moved on, and Eurogamer is covering it here;

Would you be surprised to hear that Veraxus above not only also linked to the Reddit thread where they are collecting any evidence they can to desperately try and dispell this article, but that one of the top upvoted comments there does claim that Derek Smart is probably the source for Kotaku?

I mentioned on the FIFA article I worked for EA as a contractor on Ultima Online.

Oh, they’ll always investigate; as I hoped I made clear, they take being seen to avoid corruption extremely seriously, because it risks compromising the trust in the base product. Hence all the witch hunts into obvious made up claims when I was staff... we player facing staff could probably name the people who were

Kotaku keeps messing up hyperlinks and then preventing me editing them. The second paragraph, the “Not for the $2000...” was actually further along as is obvious; if you want the link, google “Wired Unreal Estate Boom”, it’s an article from 2003 detailing the then prices on the black market for in game goods for

Former EA contract staff here, who has been directly acussed of similar corruption by the player base; I just want to give a few perspectives as to why you should take this with a massive pinch of salt. I’m not saying it cannot happen, but it would be a collosal screw up on EA’s part if they did, and with the money

It may not be a new story, but it’s a welcome one. RMT in games is literally a moral and legal blight, leading not just to the in game scams, but the desire to steal accounts to directly take the items, harassment and stalking of critics because they’re seen as getting in the way of profits, and countless other

The sad thing is, when I was reading the article, I thought “I’ll bet Paula White is not just white, but dyes her hair peroxide blonde too...” And lo and behold, of course she does. Stepford Wives writ large, the Aryan-In-A-Bottle look might as well be official uniform for the ladies by now; The narcissistic faith and