Do you know of any good, cheap arcade cabinet part stores in the UK? I had a look at the Neo Geo website and it seems it’s not fully functional yet, it has a link for European and US vendors, that doesn’t go anywhere...
Do you know of any good, cheap arcade cabinet part stores in the UK? I had a look at the Neo Geo website and it seems it’s not fully functional yet, it has a link for European and US vendors, that doesn’t go anywhere...
Coming to this reporting late, as I was away from home, but the arc of this story has already been fully plotted out, in another Kickstarter that took direct advice from Chris Roberts on how to proceed, and has since led to bankruptcy and dissolving of the company, and all the assets being sold off to one of the…
I’ve never played a GTA before; and I only came to GTAV with the game being given away free on the Epic Store recently. So as a complete newbie, let me explain something about the basic game that I think is conspicously missing from most reviews, including this one...
My guess is EG saw that, and said “Hmm, actually, that’s a good point.”
You recognise abhorent behaviour for what it really is; that is the only moral criteria that matters, and so you shouldn’t agonize about appreciating art, even where later awareness of the artist’s behaviour might reveal ugly themes within the art itself... If you learned, and refused to reject the ugliness that would…
Although he was “beyond happy and anxious” to have a job in the gaming industry, he now considers the time he spent at Mixer to be the worst professional experience of his life
This is outrageous! How dare the staff stand up for their own principles, and ask the company to reflect them, and then resign when it’s clear they don’t! Don’t they know its evil of the most insidious sort to think their lives have any purpose other than to grind away quietly at making profit for those above them?
My perspective as a former industry contractor on this; the reason that these issues keep coming up again and again is not just because at the advertising/corporate level they’re utterly disconnected and tone-deaf, but because the industry has absolutely no idea, indeed is even terrified of allowing genuine artistic…
Indeed; as someone who had a lunatic spend 3 years stalking and harassing me over a computer game (and who still pops up every now and then, now 5 years later), active and informed moderation is the only way forward; because IP addresses are easy to change, and there are genuinely broken people out there who really…
“Serious Sam Double D” does this, and it’s surprisingly good fun, and the main gimmick of stacking guns on top of each other to make piles of guns that simultaneously shoot is very much in the spirit of the series. It has local co-op too and thus if purchased on Steam, online co-op via Remote Play.
Also... cows. So, so many cows. And of this, I approve.
Nothing much to add to this review, except that the Ys series is strangely unknown in the West, possibly because it’s always been more action orientated than Final Fantasy; but they’re all really good to absolutely stunning games.
Because if you want any justice in this world, you need too be able to gain public attention; especially in the US where you need to be rich to afford the US court system.
Or to put it simply; “We say Black Lives Matter because to far too many people, Black lives uniquely don’t. And those people need to understand they’re wrong.”
*looks around nervously*
I only skim-read this, picking out bits and pieces; Not because it wasn’t a well researched and important article, and making valid, even vital points... but because the conspiracy theories around the subject are so flabberghastingly stupid and contrary to all common sense that the idea that we even have to be having…
This has always been the defence against challenging everything from twitter to facebook, and it’s getting to the stage where...ok, maybe we don’t want the internet as it exists anymore?
The country that invented the sport calls it Football.
There’s something deeper at play here, which I think Steph is trying to draw out in her own way, her critics and abusers are trying to argue against, but neither they nor this article quite grasps it...
The real issue is not the word, because the popularity of words and meanings behind the words change all the time; rather as Nathan says, Twitter is trying to get ahead of an avalanche of negative usage of this particular word whilst it’s trending... the issue then is the unthinking, mass acceptence of generic,…