
The most insidious thing about this perspective is that it becomes self-fulfilling, because it’s exceptionally easy to “other” people, not just in your own eyes, but through the infectiousness of evil, to encourage other people to other those you hate in turn.

This is a whole lot of intellectualising over what is ultimately a few very, very simple facts;

Sadly not, as per my story immediately below yours. Unless the person who called it in was provably in the UK, or the company through whom any data originated was based here, AND the crime rose to the level of extradition, our laws don’t allow the police to even investigate.

There’s an entire generation of people who have sunk so far into the toxic bubbles of certain online communities, they no longer understand any connection with reality outside of it any more... they think that because they’ve thrown that kind of abuse around themselves, and encouraged people to ever worse

SotA has made far fewer big failed systems,” he said. Since the game is updated each month, players can weigh in with their thoughts, and Garriott’s team can course-correct immediately”

As someone just starting down the Arbitration route myself with a crowd funded project, I’d be interested to know why this person went for the Small Claims Court rather than accepting Arbitration...?

I saw this discussed on Ars Technica first, but he doesn’t appear to say in the Kotaku article either, only that he

It’s not used to dehumanise women in the UK, it belongs to the class of words that originally had a gendered meaning but are now just generic expressions; just like people would swear “Jesus F’ing Christ” still, yet we’re now one of the most secular nations in the world and the power to be offensive via blasphemy

Contact incoming ...

85 comments at the time of posting this, and NONE of them are talking about Shroud, but rather their own nostalgia for other games. Which is pretty much the perfect example of how badly this game has pancaked, despite being developed for 5 years, and persistent (no server wipes) since July 2016.

I’ve since discovered this user is deceptive for a reason; he himself is a Real Money Trader under the character name Vladimir Begemot in Shroud. Be aware you HAVE to buy a Land Deed of someone like him in order to place a home, so this is why he’s trying to lure you into Shroud with deception by mis-direction.

Again, MrAdventur3 is trying to deceive you.

For those of you wanting to get a handle of the true situation of Shroud, I suggest you read much wider on that Reddit because there’s far too much to cover in a single article like the above.

Except that to actually place a home, you need two deeds; The House deed, and the Plot Deed for where it sits upon; and the Plot Deed is Add On Store only.