titan arum

Plus we have the knowledge that they'll get get hoovered up to the big league and then be completely misused! I can't wait to see how they screw up Bayley.

*hits a coup de grâce on OnLine-Home-Careers, sends her to hospital*

Caity Lotz is so perfect even her corpse will be beautiful for centuries.

I guess Detective Scenery O'Chew is working with Darhk, at least partly, to get his daughter back from the dead? I'm okay with this.

Yay! Can't wait to watch this … in a couple of days, but there's a ICW show in my town tonight so that takes precedence.

You know. Left. Down. Rotate 62 degrees. Engage rotor.

Saved her a fortune in cat food, though.

" … only to then forget about them and rediscover them later upon moving. Then … [after his complete mental and physical breakdown and the long trek back towards some semblance of humanity] … he noticed they were beautiful."

Irregular sex? Like, sideways?

Leftie was asking for it, dressed like that. Who wears gloves that tight?

Yeah, he "gradually disengaged" like I "gradually disengaged" from having regular sex.

Her sweat smells like cinnamon.

Those sluts!

Someone should write a book.

*pays student discount for Premium, laughs maniacally

I want a non-bootleg copy of Songs For The Deaf. I'm buggered.

Why not? I got some old bandages lying around somewhere.

*clicks over to Spotify window, plays said album*

Done! I can foresee no problems arising from that arrangement!

Oh, I don't doubt you. But, the internet was just beginning to bloom alongside The X-Files, which meant the first slash fanfic written for internet sites featured those characters, right? I can certainly remember my fragile little mind being warped by Scully's erotic lesbian adventures …