titan arum

You're getting old? Fuck you, pay me.


Oh hey! Samuel L Jackson cameo!

Into the fuckin' oven you go!

Goodfellas spends half its time romanticising the Mafia, and then spends the back half thoroughly destroying it, pulling back the curtain to reveal the sadistic psychopaths they really were.

They were little onions.

Same here. I wish I could do it like Paulie.

What are you, a fuckin' clown?

I gotta borrow this knife. The deer, it got it's foot stuck in the grill … the paw, what do you call it?

Tomorrow we eat sandwiches.

He'd certainly have no nose left to reconstruct …

"Hill ended up hiring a prostitute to seduce him while he had the man’s keys copied …"

From what I've read, Reagan was scarily credulous about the power of the Divine. Does Trump believe in anything except money?

We know what you mean by "fanny", you fanny.

Hey, that was fun!

I felt they put in too many onions, but it was still pretty good.

Don't you know that once you're accused of something you are guilty of that crime forever more?

I couldn't have said it more incoherently myself.

That's why you should always cork your bottle.

Audio book narrated by Orson Welles.