titan arum

Mmmm … chafing …

The A.V. Club

Hey! A cameo from Chris Morris!

What, personally?

Perhaps if Corbyn could survive until the next local elections, and if the public backed him through those, then we might get somewhere. But the media are determined to crush him like a beetle, and when the Labour MPs oust him, the party will be pretty much dead. I hope not, but it's always best to take the

"A woman who tries to recreate her dead best friend, Vertigo-style (and then sleep with her)". Yes, that sounds excellent.

Nah, no film would ever do that.

No-one calls her Rebecca, except her brother.

He's off to croak a skag baron named Savage Henry.

I love how she's arching her back and is all sweaty in the trailer uhhhh

I give this comment wife out of five stars.

You've still got Piers Moron, so we're winning.

And then, you get the women.

With better CGI, which I thought really let the film down.

No, it's not.

But the horrible huge wasp-thing lands on her chest and spares her! Thomas Jane survives after sacrificing his child. Perhaps she was right.

Everyone is against him right now, except apparently, for the people who actually voted for him. Even the left-wing media are predicting he'll be gone by Christmas.

I know what you're saying, but the Big British Castle wastes money on absolute garbage like Strictly Come Dancing and the like to compete directly with ITV, which is a commercial channel; that isn't what the BBC should be about.

Oh great, this is finally coming out, can't wait to see it …

That's the thing, if the show results in a net profit (and it must do, considering the merchandise) I never understand why sufficient money is given to make more.