
Where is Mark to tell us this is like Amelie for adults?

1. Not nearly as disturbing as Robbie Williams' video for "Rock DJ."
2. Can't wait for the Mark Shrayber article where he tricks his boyfriend into watching it.

you guys. I have a disgusting obsession with my cat. I've had him since June, he's maybe 4 or 5 months, and I have probably at least 300 hundred photos of him on my phone. I'm going to post a couple here and maybe a few more in the comments. Please feel free to post pictures of your kitties too because I love that

I spent from 10 am to 430 shopping, cooking and cleaning while my husband played golf and watched football. He got high then snaked our drain (that is not a euphemism), but couldn't screw the drain trap cover back on and asked for my help. And he had left gobs and gobs of gross hair and other nasties in the drain, so

After reading the article about the woman forgiving her rapist, I thought about it for a while. Could I do the same? I then realized, no I could not.

As I was reading these and shaking my head in alternating horror and amusement, I realized that oddly enough, I had a pretty good story to add here. It was surprising to me, because I recall my wedding as being beautiful — I had a wonderful time and it is one of the best memories I have.

In the run-up to my wedding I'd started going just a teeny bit crazy (meltdowns over seating plans, nightmares about the dress, insisting we hand-pick vintage paperback books for every guest, etc.) and then three weeks before MrDalloway and I went to a truly awful wedding. The groom is the brother of a friend of MrD;

My best one has to be last year, when I was in my friend Dave's wedding (not his real name). The wedding itself went fine, except for when the lights flickered in the church during the vows and everyone freaked out and the bride's grandmother wanted to start the vows over.

I married an Egyptian and ours was the worst ever.

A friend asked me to be a bridesmaid. I was hesitant, because of the expense. She assured me that only expense I would incur was half the plane fare, shoes & accessories. And she doesn't want a shower or bachelorette. Ok, starts out good - we picked the dresses, she paid. We were told to buy gold accessories and

So many things to tell..I will try to sum it up but it is going to get long and weird.

Fortunately, every wedding I've ever been to has been beautiful! But here's a little wedding anecdote I got from my friend.

Bride said the horror of the wedding really brought them together as a couple.

Worst wedding was the dry Baptist wedding. It was so boring I'm still traumatized. It was my husband's cousin, and her dad wanted to have a signature drink and a small bar. That got nixed by the groom, who was about to start a career as a church music specialist (yes that's a thing, he has a master's degree for it and

My uterus hurts from that story. This won't win the prize but I'm sharing anyway.

My bf and I went to his cousin's wedding about a year ago. The church ceremony went well and was beautiful. When we got to the dinner the drama started when the catering chef and florist decided to reignite their blood feud right then and there. Punches were thrown and chicken mole went flying everywhere. The cops

Your name has never been more apt!

All of them, because you're upholding the patriarchy. You conformists.

So my friend gets engaged. She is amazing— sweet, smart as hell, filthy sense of humor, eyes like luminous pools. She is mixed race and her fiance's family is super country. At the rehearsal dinner, they make lots of comments about her mixed race and stick the microphone in her face with questions like "Tell us why