
I know that they sometime add a thematic rule or two, but most are just reskins. Some of them are fancy reskin, like the special edition Phantom Menace version I had as a kid that had a raised board and fancy Coruscant building for houses and hotels. But gameplay wise it was still just Monopoly.

Were you not aware of the Red Green edition of Monopoly? It should be the first, and potentially only, position. If there was ever a property that didn’t need a capitalist boardgame version, it’s Possum Lodge. At least most of the things here can say that spectacle is what they are after, which fits a lot of versions

no. must microdose capitalism during family game night.

I assume Boardwalk on the Eternals board is: Giant hand in the ocean that will never be mentioned again.

There is only one version of Monopoly worth playing!

Websites and online businesses have always tried to optimize their keywords and content for what Google wants to see, or what they THINK Google wants to see.

‘No Evidence’ of Elon Musk Drug Use at SpaceX

The headline makes it seem like NASA actually did some kind of investigation, but the story is just NASA saying that they haven’t seen anything and expect SpaceX to comply with all workplace requirements. Basically, they ain’t seen nuthin, but also, they aren’t really looking. Seems like they’re trying to cover their

Wait a minute... corporate executives actually got jail time? That’s quite surprising.

nah, jared would have sent them a real pig’s head


Telsa’s stock price needs him. Without him, the valuation drops massively.

Your garden-variety parolee knows how to get around random drug tests - I’m pretty sure the richest man in the world could find a way as well.

More than a distraction - a liability. Why the government continues to give billions in contracts to a known drug user--when they wouldn’t hire a user to do so much as take out the trash at any government building--is confounding.

Neither does Tesla...

Wait, so you’re telling me he WASN’T on drugs when he decided to buy Twitter?

Agreed. Space X doesn’t need him anymore.  He’s a distraction.

So, he smoked weed on JR in September 2018, NASA said “ok, 3 years of drug tests.”, 2018/2019 + 3 = 2021/2022.

Just fire him and let him ride the Twitter burning dumpster fire full time.

You seem to be low on Vitamin B and D. Can I interest you in some of our Amazon Basic Suppliments?