
How dare the government interfere with a company who’s biggest customer is the government, and works in a field that’s been held afloat by a century of tax-payer funding!

I love that the answer is never ‘That’s false, we didn’t do those things!’ and is always ‘So what if we did? You have no jurisdiction!’ 

Yeah, dunno about useless smart features, but I recently replaced my toilet and Kohler had the best flush out of any that I saw. Instead of a bunch of little holes, water comes out of one big hole and swirls around the bowl, cleaning it. This works far, far better at keeping it clean, and also eliminates the hard to

I’m sure this is just an unbelievable coincidence...

Alexa’s about to be fed up; I’m picturing “Alexa, wash my butt!” with the response...

Any digital product (movie, TV show, video game, etc.) that you purchase should be able to be downloaded to a local copy which can function without any access to the internet. The seller should also have to guarantee that new copies of the purchased media will be available to download by the purchaser for some

Apple should just buy Masimo. Market cap of $6B. Buy it, then sell off the professional health division that mainly handles hospital grade equipment and automation. Keep the personal care and telehealth IP. Say it’s close to a 50/50 split between the two (just a wild guess). So the purchase was $3B, but comes with

Even if this ban were to hold, Apple’s revenue wouldn’t see a hit until Q2, possibly? Every retail store not owned by Apple had the Watch and there were no limits on sales. Warehouses full of Watches, already booked as revenue by Apple at Amazon, Best Buy, Costco...

The rare design burn!  Nice.

Ive finally run out of Braun designs to poach, so he’s moving on to people?

Just wait until he builds that into AutoPilot.

Elon doesn’t even touch his own kids. Why should we believe he cares about our kids touching grass?

I mean, what did you expect? Did you want her to have to talk to her kids? Or, maybe, parent them?

He’s like me; every once in a while you grow it out to see if you can grow a beard... Nope, still can’t.

“So now I, as a mom, get to deal with telling my toddlers we can’t watch Disney+ while in our Tesla and deal with their upset feelings because 2 grown men can’t have a civil discussion and move on.”

If I can’t watch Disney+ on my Tesla, where the hell am I going to watch it?

I love the way my new Camry Hybrid does it. It has accepted that car apps suck, so comes with no map (or other) apps, which is great - because every map app I’ve ever seen in a car (like in my 2019 Prius) sucks, or is at least clumsy and woefully out of date.

The difference here is largely a result of how the cases were tried, and which aspects were subject to jury rule. The Verge has a pretty good summary (really!) in their writeup of the Epic judgment:

This article reads like a PR press statement directly from Google. 

Badly written piece, starting from the incorrect premise that todays announcement has anything to do with the Epic case.