
Well, yeah, because if they release it, they have to pay everyone involved with residuals etc. and they can’t have that, so they can write it off if it stays in the bin or sell it off to someone else and recoup, which is why all the streamers now are culling low-performing or very expensive shows from the library if

At my job we had a lot of product pages to create in a short period of time, and it was suggested we use AI to help by plugging in a prompt and catering it to a specific item.

I bet he just saw the data that showed just how many people have him blocked and it hurt his little man baby feelings. He really is a pathetic human being. 

The language he used says that he would like Disney to drop the lawsuit and concede everything to him instead of dragging him to court and having a judge tear him a new one.

1. Just in general DeSantis seems to be a bully.

Of all the shitty things DeSantis has done during and after his Navy career, the worst in my opinion will be him making me root for a corporate juggernaut known for its own shady deeds just to spite him. I want Iger to literally cornhole him while wearing a Mickey Mouse costume.

Funny that Republicans never learn that ridiculous political stunts that only appeal to the lunatic fringe doesn’t play well with mainstream USA.

25 cent checks coming to HP customers.

don’t forget pages (like this) that have multiple adds with autoplay videos breaking up the blog after every 3 lines of text

People are becoming increasingly impatient with slow-loading sites which can affect their opinion of a business or website

Either way you get screwed and the pain for them isn’t as bad.  That $65 you were awarded in 2018 is worth about $50 now and the S&P is up about 50% over the past 5 years, so the $500M they are paying doesn’t cost them the same as it did then.

How are we living in a universe where Mark Zuckerberg is the rational adult?

Instead, the Escalade IQ will apparently be utilizing GM’s own proprietary software that’s built in collaboration with Google.

FWIW, There isn’t a single major studio head that makes less than 200x the average of their respective employees. And, as CEOs, they need to realize that their job is actually the easiest to replace with AI.

He only talks, but not the walk.  

Musk is already setting up an excuse not to fight.

How could we so quickly forget The Rock’s alleged (and failed) power grab attempt at DC films? I imagine that didn’t help anything.

Next, they’re just going to have employee barracks.

What the eff is wrong with corporate executives anymore?! I mean they’ve always been pretty shitty, but it seems like they had a meeting and voted to all simultaneously go full-on asshole.