
It is clearly NOT a man in a bear suit. It is OBVIOUSLY two 9 year olds in a bear suit.

I’m probably in the minority here, but I don’t like that Disneyland sells alcohol now. The last time I took the kids to Disneyland, we rode Pirates of the Caribbean in the same boat as a group of tipsy twenty-somethings. There wasn’t a moment of silence on that ride.

Unfortunately, the 45th president has proven you don’t need actual hard facts to “win” any argument as long as you debate like a toddler and refuse to recognize defeat. You just need to convince your base that you were right or “won”, even if you lost. They will do all the leg work for you from there. The repercussions

Even better.  They are saying “our song isn’t about lynching and we will lynch anyone who says otherwise!”

If they won’t keep them available to stream and won’t put out physical copies for purchase, creating your own de facto preservation society seems to simply be the right thing to do. For history’s sake, if nothing else. :)

I am reminded of one Christmas when I was a kid. I was opening a present and got super excited to see what was apparently a set of TMNT action figures. But it turned out to be a case for STORING the figures, not any of the figures themselves. Same energy!

Still better than an NFT.

Damn, that was one team-up I was really looking forward to.

Sadly, Aquaman 3: Spiceworld probably isn’t happening.

Imagine going back to 1993 and telling a 12-year old that, in 30 years, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America, and Thor would dominate the box office while the best showing from DC is fucking Aquaman.

“’Aquaman’? Hah, no, my friend, I fear that you are mistaken. My name is Idaho. Duncan Idaho, of House Atreides.”

Yeah I can laugh at the higher-ups eating shit on this, but Reddit is, like, the last place on the internet where you can easily find answers to specific questions that someone else has asked. Discord and Twitter are absolute shit at that. 

Isn’t converting the company’s money into your money embezzlement?

Hilarious. Nobody gives up nearly a billion dollars “to eliminate the uncertainty, risk, burden, and expense of further litigation”

“I’d totally kick your ass but my mom said no.”

Please talk about Threads correctly. Threads is NOT a new platform that has gained 100 million new users. It’s a new feature of instagram that 100 million existing instagram users have clicked on once.

That’s what makes this the worst timeline. We’re rooting for Zuckerberg because the alternative is the more embarrassing of TWO rocket-ship-owning real-life Bond villains. Bill Gates is the world’s most respected philanthropist. We think Warren Buffett is the lesser evil because he just runs his business like a 20th

There’s something Shakespearean about Musk. He for years paid people to cultivate the image of him as a “maverick innovator” buying him guest spots on SNL, the Simpsons, Star Trek, etc. The PR people running this campaign for him knew well that “the less you see and hear from him the better” as he’d immediately

Idk why they needed Johnny Ive to design a turntable that looks like a mildly updated Thorens turntable...which you can buy on ebay for around $1500.