
Indeed it is.

Yes a menina would be a good change.

If the courts fail Ron, then he'll go to war to free England of their Monarch.

Goldman Sachs has always squandered funds and backed gods like Donald Trump because he was bad for finances. Apple Card must not be losing money fast enough for them.

JarJar Abrams has the next Star Wars film written for him.

Keep putting up more reflective satellites so we won’t need outdoor lighting.  Night will be as bright as day.

Speakers are tilted towards the ears. Some Best Buy, Bose retail and Target stores I know will let you try them on.  Bring a friend.

Considering the last few MCU; it's safe to say the cut the wrong parts from the film.

Its only the cost of doing business. If it was a real crime people would be heading to prison.

Sadly that's how it's always been in the United States of America.  Government contracts always go to those that can manipulate the Government.

Stay out of cities like London and Manhattan. They have billions of cameras recording everything so it takes months to find criminal activities that were filmed.

Bose audio sunglasses are incredible for listening to music. And no one sitting right next to you can hear them. Great for bus and train rides. I’m guessing these we’ll have similar speakers. And I’m sure it’s easy enough to use some tape to cover the recording light.

The X formally known as Twitter.

Elon knows as long as the USA Government keeps him as the richest man in the world.  He doesn't need to give a damn what's happening to other people who are not him.

I did a little more research. In 2012 Apple started putting in security chips inside the lighting cord.

Will there be drama about Ubisoft buying Activision's cloud gaming now?

That is when Rupert Murdoch will actually retire. He’s only officially retiring on paper for cash and taxes. 

The climate at Xtwitter became terrible after Elon bought the company.  It's expected that he'd be not improving things there.


They might have to build a pipeline from the Pacific Ocean and start building some desalination plants to keep Vegas wet.