
It happened to my iPad mini. Needed a new cord so I picked up a generic lightning cable at Walmart. Worked great for about a year, then one day I got a message that the cable was not supported.  Never would change the iPad from that day.  Had to go out and buy an Apple lightning cable.

Thank you for that article. Sad part; people who need to hear it the most never will.

Xtwitter is now under SpaceX umbrella.

Knowing Apple, the iPhone will either not accept non-Apple cords or will throttle charging and data transfers if not using a certified Apple cord.  Can get by with something like not being able to verify the quality of generic cables.

The whole thing is an open joke.

Brings back fond memories of the weekly Twitter hacks of celebrates back in the day. My those were great for promotions

The golden years of Harry Potter are behind us. Honestly starting with year 5 the writing just got really bad. Few even remember “The Tales of Beedle the Bard”. Read the book twice and I can’t remember the story. There’s plenty of other fiction that is available for IP cashouts. Still would love to see “Ringworld” or

That's pretty cool.  Actually do own this this soundtrack on CD.  And Gizmodo is probably the only news site to announce it.

Typical really. Bob Woodward withheld his Trump revelations for months until his book “Rage” went to print. It was to make money off of victims and keep the fire burning.

And you know Elon is charging the US Government a premium for Ukrainians internet access.

Actually it's shocking it took this long for the People's Republic to ban Western Technically from Government use.  

Users get a better exams from the vehicles than from their doctors. How many times have you coughed in the last month to how many times you remove a cup from the holder to drink from it.  Probably can tell if it's a cold or hot beverage.

Apparently Elon has too much time on his hands.  

Or eXTwitter

That’s it! Turn the buildings into homeless shelters. Affordable housing brought by Trump Inc.

Maybe it’s not, but I’m surprised that Poland developed their own signal for trains, instead of licensing/using someone else’s. If it’s that simple to hack a train, there’s probably going to be more soon.

And Rush Limbaugh.

Snyder’s cut for when you have extra time for a film.

Paramount’s looking to shop the six-episode show around to other buyers.”? Um, isn’t there a streaming service owned Paramount that needs content?

Is Sony trying to kill off the PSP5 before it was even in prototype? This is an expensive bomb.