
From reading the highlights, it’s CompanyTowns in the digital broadcast era.

Apple is unique in the matter of allowing competion on their devices, yet few of Apple services are allowed on competing devices. Example there is no Apple TV app for Android, (can be watched through browser) yet YouTube TV app is available for iOS.

Considering SpaceX is an (independently) run Government Department, yeah it makes sense to force users to provide a Government ID as verification.

title made it appeared you could browse the web in Threads.

Looks like someone was told to make generic logo without knowing anything about what it was going to be for.

The Mouse that roared.

Considering NY Times has written weekly to hourly articles about Donald Trump since the mid 1970's; we don’t need to have a chatbox in awe of fake weath and beautiful bragging.

And a proud proclamation of No Wrongdoing.


Remember to always keep software up-to-date for optimum performance.

Yeah I don’t get it. Don’t have Android Auto, yet it has some of Google’s main apps?  Bet the interface looks alot like Android Auto.

Anyone who sat through a MCU credit to watch the post scene has noticed millions of people are involved in make a movie. Bob might be starting to realize that.

We don't need 7 versions of Blade Runner 2049.

Blade Runner 2049 was a much better film. My only issue was the harbor fight scene was 12 hours too long and the horns were giving me a headache.

Thought OnlyFans had the exclusive for the fight.

WB does like making bad Superheroes films.  Batman makes enough money for DC, even the bad Batman films made money.  So “philosophical differences”, “regime changes” are the only reasons needed.

So do you have to be an employee to stay at Google Luxury Resort?  At $100 hope the leave a chocolate on the pillows.

So many of these dating sites already use Virtual Dating Assistants (paid actors) to keep people hooked. A.I. was the next logical step.

Apple maps is just so much cleaner anyways.

Its easy enough to mute navigation, but then you still need to look at the messy maps periodically.