
It was a good introductory read on Graphics Cards maintenance. Airflow and temperatures are the most important, easiest things to take care of.

Apple maps does look cleaner to me, I don’t need to see every blade of grass in a different shade of green.  Also Google maps is too chatty.  It's annoying to constantly hear "business may still exist by the time you get there" & "despite usual traffic you should reach you destination if you keep heading towards it".

I drink alcohol, but im with you. The drunks can be annoying and doesn’t make the Magic Kingdom feel like a family park.  Would have been nice if it was just wine and beer in the more upscale restaurants.

Don't look up.

That's the reality of it.

Wasn't even Kenner toys “Early Bird Certificate Package.”

Sounds like AMC thought they were were selling live-on-stage tickets.

“It’s Spider-Man underwater—boom,” agent Ari

Comet TV, has been showing Babylon 5. Watched it a few times, even though it’s a digital station the signal looks grainy and colors are muted.  Perhaps it's being broadcast off of SVHS.

Yes, lots of titles that don't fit with the story and odd sentences that read out of place.

It would be cool to see B5 remastered. Visuals haven’t aged well on broadcast television.

Reddit is still the best site I’ve used for pc game helps and tips.  Most other users are genuinely helpful.  

Only if it’s under a certain amount; like $734 Million.

Blame Canada.

Other than him being a Ford executive and the wife's luggage; this is fairly typical for domestic fights in the United States and perhaps most counties nowadays.

Microsoft had huge issues like in the 90's and early 2000's. Hourly updates to fix updates. They weren’t taking the time to get it right the first time around.

Lesser of two evils.  Sorta like our 2 party political system.  Most don't vote for the person they want in office; they vote against the person they Do Not want in office.

Friends with money to burn.

Quick blaming boys for your troubles.

Since El Niño is a little boy in Spanish and we are blaming all our bad weather on a Latino boy, is that why so many want to be girls?