
🎶Daddy loved and raised eight kids on a miner’s pay

Good questions.

Sounds as successful as DIVX (Digital Video Express).

Wonder who lobbied for this?  But Space Companies needs to have the same rights as an airliner.

Irony .... New York City’s transit operator said it would stop tweeting about service outages because “the reliability of the platform can no longer be guaranteed.”

Elon knows not to bite the hand that feeds him.

And we keep allowing this woman to keep spawning.

If Dominion settels then FOX can keep sabotaging The Republic for Which It Stands while bragging they admitted no fault. Yet, most of the large news organizations keep wanting Dominion to settle, because they (news) might be held accountable in the future.

I remember reading the reviews of screen keyboards; too ahead of it’s time. Now technology has caught up this would be so cool. Especially for multi lingual and gamers. 

There's a reason why a private company is sending satellites into orbit for Big Government.

Um how much is the USA Government paying SpaceX annually? Elon has gotten more Big Government handouts then NPR over the course of their existence. From Bonds for EV factories to tax gifts to implant chips in chimps to the premiums he's charging the Defense Department for Ukraine's satellite internet.  Elon needs to


T. Itter

This is why I drink Red Bull.  No one would ever confuse a Infantry Division with an energy drink.

it’s clear that Musk is at a loss over how to label Space Agencies that receive funding from the public or the government,

More dungeons, more dragons and perhaps more honor among the thieves.  Just a suggestion.

That explains why Elon prefers cameras and was bashing laser sensors for self driving.

Hasn't James Gunn cancelled Blue Beetle?

What I’ve learned is it is ok to lie as long as it’s for broadcast ratings.

Knowing Elon, he himself leaked the code and will find a couple scapegoats to cast blaim on.