
“We’ve made all kinds of games and they’re great. People love our games. I was talking to some folks earlier and they told me what a great job we’ve done with our games and how they just can’t get enough. So yeah, we’ve got some great things coming, you can be sure of that. And you’ll love ‘em. They’ll be the best.”

I would say that everyone at Valve is a gamer. We love games, and there’s no reason we wouldn’t want to make games.

You sir are the problem.

I guess you think this article is about other people.

Signs like this might help.

Perfect World is runs DOTA2 Chinese server. Unless Gaben gets REALLY mad and revoke their contract then PW will probably still be hosting the next major event in China.

China can be a fun place, BUT, if you are visiting: Don’t bring valuables (computers, etc), and watch your back constantly.

We had a good time without incident, but mostly because we were on our toes constantly, and the constant vigilance was tiring.

I wouldn’t go back because of that.

3. Valve got a well-deserved kick in its complacent arse; won’t just complacently sit back and expect everything to take care of itself as the money rolls straight into their pockets.

‘Counterstrike player mauled by pack of rabid dogs during finals. Teammate vanished since he drunkenly made a pun of Vladimir Poutine. One working toilet in the event has been ripped from the wall and thrown at a passing car.’

End of day one.

It’s a dictatorship, one of the most belligerent, corrupt and repressive on Earth in fact. You don’t need any racist reasons not to visit it, you’ve got a totally legit one already.


At least virtually everything can be replaced. Hopefully, only a few important personal items were taken along with it all.
A learning experience for all, I suppose. Damn.

At the risk of sounding racist, though, I don’t ever want to visit that country...Too many casual-North-Korea-like stories that make me way too

I wonder how many of these police officers were collecting overtime for their little parade. Sure seems like a easy way to collect overtime and pad their pension.

Where is the 6 mile procession for members of the US military dying overseas? Its 2016 and America is still at war with young men and women in war zones.

Seriously. Can’t believe they didn’t have this feature this whole time.

I mean, being an introvert doesn’t just STOP when you play video games. Sometimes I want to play Destiny or Bloodborne without having my buddy ask me all the time if I want to play with him, only for me to say no. And yeah, I shouldn’t have to

Actually, that dog is exhibiting play behavior. While Spot initially was suspicious, as soon as the operator had the robot do a play bow, the dog’s body language and demeanor changed completely. The whole second half of that video was an excited dog bouncing around saying, “Play with me! No,dummy, stop turning away!

Exactly. Bus drivers, and pretty much any large vehicle driver, drive like assholes/manics. I experience every day thanks to the DC metro bus system. They blindly merge into lanes loaded with traffic and cut people off all the time. The bus driver probably did have plenty of time to see the google car and slow down.

Using GameTrailers for its forums is the online equivalent of homeless people using fancy restaurants just for their toilets.

Not surprised to here any of this. It all went downhill a while back when they axed all the different user communities and groups people had set up on the forums.

Good riddance. GT was a pale shadow of its former self. In january, some of the new mods asked users how they could improve the forums. The xbox section essentially came alive blasting them for their inaction over the years that led to the xbox section becoming a barren wasteland. Pity, becuse GT was an amazing site