Why you against boobies... T_T
Why you against boobies... T_T
Aaaaargh. Was waiting in great anticipation for the Kotaku review of this game. Was excited up until I read that traffic is glitched out and how it gimps your city management. Unfortunately these type of bugs drives me up the wall (the non-sensical way Simcity 5 handled education and jobs is what finally made me stop…
I know right? How dare Kotaku dedicate a small post to try and help out a grieving family when they have so little relevance to gaming. I mean, who do they think we are? Decent human beings? No sir! We are gamers! We demand only gaming related posts!
In other new. You are an ass.
Oh god please be good... my city builder loving heart can't take another disappointment.
Grats EA on killing another classic.
Take this with a grain of salt, but my friends at EA Marketing division said they kinda strong armed Maxis into it.
Wow... that was a fast take down. Maybe it hit some of Google's automated take down algorithms.
How do I not remember that fight at all...
Whelp... this post made me feel old. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to play this while cradling a bottle of scotch and crying because I turn 30 in 2 weeks.
But but... what if I want to play as a sexualized female character?
Nope. You don't need consent. Onus is on the copyright holder to enforce their IP, which Saban did in this case. This a classic, "my legal department are trigger happy soul sucking scum that needs to justify their salaries so they will sue anything that even looks at me funny" syndrome.
Dat ass on the P1... hrrrrnnnkkk... aaaaaa...
Oh come... we all know the shower is there to clean up after you choked the chicken in there.
Are you kidding me... it would take any kid in the engineering department like 15 minutes to game that app, certainly if it's Android. That or just download the app on an older phone and use that in class.
I'm turning 30 in a month... is it all down hill from there? (I kid I kid)
How old are you dude...
Mother of kitten schnitzel... how is that even possible...
you needz a hug
That's Ability Draft mode in Dota 2... try it out!