Tim Tankerd

I want to see Lena go full false flag. Maybe her supporting a fetal personhood amendment would be the impetus America needs to support abortion rights.

I genuinely cannot think of a situation where someone who genuinely believes the "chopped up babies" Fiorina style misinformation would see this video and have their minds changed. Like the "Sensual Pantsuit Rap" I think Dunham does recognize how counter effective her advocacy is but is simply incapable of not


No the Metternich Mustard

Cordelia? Total loser- just like mother! Sad! Regan is real winner- very happy to see good coverage of Edmund and Goneril.

Vienna Beef or gtfo.

I want to say he dated Big Ethel? Hmm… googling that name to confirm reveals that she'll be played by the actress who portrayed Barb on Stranger Things.

Hmm… so it's like Uber but for cannibilism? Sold!

That childish immaturity is very much a hallmark of Russian asymmetric warfare. They attack on every level. Check out "Nothing is True, Everything is Possible: The Surreal Heart of Modern Russia" for a solid primer on what's coming down the line

Check out how well this Russian etf has done since the election

"As 2017 began the Republicans were in control of every branch of government. Combined with the numerous court vacancies they had the opportunity to impose a generational rightward reactionary lurch. Evidence that the Russian government colluded with the GOP candidate in order to destabilize the global order and

Luke, Leia- meet Leon. He's a real professional who knew your mother when she was growing up.

McLaren F1 is in the shop

Canadians don't really say it that much.

they've got it down to an art. It's 100% an effort to muddy the narrative and provide just enough plausible deniability. Next will be some giant web of screenshots and arrows and text that will be sent around as "proof". It's exactly how they started Pizzagate.

Losing dignity in exchange for all three branches of the government, hundreds of judicial appointments and the opportunity to lurch the country rightwards for generations? Seems like a pretty fair trade.

So? Meticulously reported exposes ala Farenthold are just as quickly dismisssed by partisans. If there's one lesson from this election it's that "going low" works.

We will never know. All off the record. I doubt the AV Club is unionized but the survivors of Gawker are and they put out a pretty damning statement against their corporate overlords for the meeting

I really thought attacking Judge Curiel as being unfit to judge him as a Mexican was the one blatantly racist thing he couldn't possibly justify. I was wrong!

Let's be clear- 99% of dragons in Westeros are controlled by the top 1% of the elites. It's time to break up the Iron Bank of Braavos- I have heard that called impossible but I disagree. Division between white walkers and the nights watch is a distraction from a system where 1% of the 1% control all resources.