Tim Tankerd

Trump's tweets "A Wrong! of Piss and Ire"

At this point I don't think George even wants to finish it. The shows have so outpaced the books they've revealed all the good twists- why would anyone want to write 400 pages of preamble to get to the big Hodor reveal that was shown two years ago on film? Let him enjoy stuff, he's spearheaded a really cool

Absolutely. "Generic Democrat" outpolled both candidates by a significant margin. I think we really underestimated what a force misogyny still is in our society. On a strictly primal level someone who was physically not as much of a mess as Trump and Clinton would have made a much stronger opponent.

What show is that in the bottom panel? Stranger Things?

She was, quite possibly, the only candidate who could have lost to Trump. The idea that a particular Vox explainer, Yaas Kween stencil or a sensual pantsuit anthem could overcome those thirty years of weaponized hate was just willful blindness. The DNC didn't campaign for the electorate- they campaigned for the

Whoops, I meant it would create a gut singularity that absorbed all light and matter causing your body to collapse in upon itself in a massive burst of quantum energy.

Just wait until the Marvel 2.0 initiative or whatever where they recast everybody and start over

The Diddler (allegedly)

Nothing. You'd pass it with no problems and the nonstick properties of the nanotubes would make cleanup of the sample a breeze.

Vantablack is so cool. I'd love to be able to see it in person, computer monitors are incapable of showing it and individuals cannot purchase it

"Enemy Mine" definitely stands up but the special effects are super dated. Hell you could just use the same script and it would still be great.

I wish it were that simple but those people will, by and large, be just fine. The economically marginal minorities these policies will must effect will be the most screwed.

Fuck, I'll take a crooked and corrupt (((Kushner))) any day over a squeaky clean white supremacist like Bannon or a certifiably insane paranoid like Flynn.

Reading between the lines on that it seemed like the brothers went into the office asking whether they could change the name of Sklarbro county into "Dumb People Town". They seemed to think it was an easy matter of just renaming the RSS feed or something but received a ton of corporate blowback that they didn't want

Con: the end of global stability, bipartisan consensus and liberal democracy

Ahh Portland. Where people are always complaining about "Portlandia" while still watching it more than anything.

I don't know if it was really a warning. Sounds like the paywall "was sprung on them" with no notice "besides a brief mention in a howl ad a year ago" and they're not very pleased about it.

The fact that his personal tweets are all from android devices while his lackey tweets are all from others makes it incredibly easy to determine his true priorities:

I think that's another major problem with twitter. In the old days if you hated a journalist your options were pretty much a letter to the editor. Now in the time of live tweeting, second screen engagement and "personal brands" intimidating journalists into silence is incredibly easy.

"Macaca" seems so quaint nowadays.