Tim Tankerd

Fun fact: this morning the owners of this website met with Trump for an off the record meeting.

What was up with that Scheer warning regarding the HDTGM paywall? Sounds like things may not be so rosy in the Garden of Scripps.

"If you want a vision of the future picture Star Wars films stamping on a human face- forever"

She's locked up both the bee and the dogman vote.

I just have no faith in the electorate. Complex things like secret businesses and debts or a charity that does nothing but self serving are just too complicated for the average American to understand. As long as it can be refuted with a "no it's not" statement it doesn't stick with Trump. It's got to be nasty and

If I had to wager what Putin had on him it's probably a tape of him banging some 15 year old Moldovan taken during one of his many east European junkets.

Clooney/Warren 2020 might be our only hope.

Not only that but this morning Trump is meeting with the head of Univision for an off the record meeting

Dude has been on "pep pills" since the 1980s. Spy Magazine linked him conclusively to a speed peddling diet doc in 1992. It's all out there in the open.

Whoever is in charge of programming 4:00-7:00 am East coast Fox News and CNN are now some of the most important individuals in the world. They have a direct pipeline to the frontal cortex of the most powerful man on the global stage. The man is shockingly conducive to being manipulated and it really does seem to be

I just want to see the scene where Beria leaves the Dacha to live in a Travel Tavern for four months because he thinks he's getting a second series.

It's super American. Colonial political awakening came with physical torture and intimidation of loyalists (tar and feathering) and was secured through violent revolution. The polls were violent drunken places for most of the nineteenth century, teeming with rival parties physically barring their opponents from

I have no idea. He's a classic republican: theocractic, misogynist, supply side obsessed. He's not an abberant outlier, his behavior can be gamed and predicted. We've seen his like before many times. Trump's erraticness, lack of ideology and narcissistic sociopathy are so much more dangerous. Worst case scenario

I don't know, it depends on the messenger. I think the one thing that really seemed to rattle him was (young and handsome) Rubio going full "dumb dumb Donald with the small hands". If that had come much earlier and was delivered from a place of strength instead of desperation it could have changed things.

That was the biggest issue. The Left and the DNC ran a candidacy aimed at the invisible umpire who would graciously dismiss the overheated accusations against Hillary and would view the nearly thirty years of hate and conspiracy aimed at her as "vetting" that would make her a stronger candidate. Turns out there is

What bothered me was the graphic design. A big solid "H" with the most apparent element being a bright red arrow pointing rightwards. Made it about supporting Hillary as primary focus and (consciously or not) was based entirely on moving to the right. For someone complaining that the DNC substituted politics for

He went with "overrated" and "Hillary flunky".

Remember all the scandal about the Obama administration "picking winners and losers" in the free market vis Solyndra? Trump can now erase billions in market cap from a Toyota or Lockheed Martin with nary a peep from the "free market" brigade. Dude is also personally kicking off Koch brothers from his golf course and

Man, viral advertising for "The Young Pope" is going to some dark places.