Tim Tankerd

Hey, looks like fifty years worth of gutting one of our most reliable blocs has really paid off!

That Key and Peele sketch about the black republican bloc was so right on the money.

Nothing better emphasizes how ham handed the Dems and the media were than Hillary's big "alt-right" speech. Trump countered with "she's a bigot" because she's a democrat and the headlines ended up "Clinton, Trump exchange racially charged accusations" instead of "hey these guys are literal nazis".

It's called "high school".

Surprise, it's still Patrick Stewart!

And it's got zero EDM beats.

Listen, what's more important to you? Some kind of voting coalition based on progressive values or whether or not Debbie Wasserman Schultz was able to get all seven of the Hamilton tickets for her sorority reunion that she wanted? Because I got news for you, the Democrats have never been more out power but you can

Don't worry, I'm fully confident in the ability of the Democrats to pass stimulus bills that Trump will get credit for and they'll get the blame when paying for them with tax cuts insisted on by the GOP doesn't work.

Heck expand your terms from "Hispanic" to "Latino" and you're dealing with a significantly different demographic bloc.

Why? We've literally just watched a major party completely change its fundamental ideologies in order to appease a white nationalist protectionist candidate. Clinton's "margin" of centrist Democrats was 55% to 43% for Bernie and she assembled that through running up the score in southern states where she'd have

Melania —-> Messalina
Eric ——> Caligula
Donald Jr —-> Tiberius
Barron—-> Nero
Ivanka—-> Livia

Milo is now officially heading the White House UnCucking Initiative. Get ready.

God watching Hillary go to bat for a lower minimum wage than Bernie was such an error. This paralyzingly "incrementalism" centrism absolutely is ineffective. We're about to see eight years of incrementalist gains disappear in a single session of congress. Big moves work.

And the leaders are terrified of being primaried. Ryan is a dead man walking. The Trump war on "Rinos" will be the next big front in the remaking of the GOP into an avowed white nationalist movement.

What? Where on earth is your source for that.

Fuck. There goes the last chance of a democratic comeback by 2020.

That demographic is only one part of Trump's coalition. The fuzzy middle assumes "both sides are bad" and truth is some halfway compromise. Hillary's attempts at pointing out the danger of unabashed white nationalism were fatally flawed by both her delivery and the media. Someone like Sanders would have fired up

Also Bloomberg was prepared to run if Sanders got the nomination. The X factors were there. But Sanders had momentum and enthusiasm enough to challenge Trump and it would have been something to see.

It's the most disturbing thing by far. The Republicans are right on the edge of 3/5 majority rule in the state legislatures. One more statehouse would be enough to call a constitutional convention. With the disciplined lockstep voting patterns of the GOP legislature, control over both houses, the Supreme Court and

Exactly. A huge chunk of the DNC campaign was about chasing mythical moderates and centrist republicans with closed door speeches and outreach to any low functioning apparatchik from the Bush years willing to throw out an endorsement. You had the campaign chasing every suburban republican woman in Pennsylvania while